Consultation du personnel |
Why a Staff consultation ?
U4U builds its proposals through a democratic process involving its internal structure (local or action groups, Trade-Union Council, Executive Bureau, etc.). We also want to give all staff the chance to influence our positions on important subjects.
You may have differing views or bring a new perspective. This is why we encourage you not only to vote but also to comment. All your comments will be read and reflected upon.
Thank you for helping us to serve you better.
You are the heart and the
soul of our Institution and I will be counting on you, on your experience
and professionalism over the next five years to give Europe the new start
citizens expect of us.
Jean-Claude Juncker (Message to the Staff on 31 Oct 2014) |
Ce que nous proposons à la nouvelle CommissionLe président de la Commission ainsi que le PE se mobilisent pour donner un nouvel élan à la construction européenne, pour répondre aux attentes de la société européenne. Cela ne peut se faire sans la mobilisation et la motivation du personnel des institutions. Il faut donc faire participer le personnel aux changements en cours, pour obtenir son adhésion. Les réformes du statut de la fonction publique européenne de 2004 et 2014 ont détérioré les conditions de travail, créé des disparités, entretenu la précarité... Par ailleurs, des réformes de structure (externalisation, réorganisations, déménagements...) ont eu pour conséquence de complexifier les processus et de rendre l'exercice du métier plus difficile. Depuis plusieurs années, U4U fait des propositions constructives pour remédier à cette situation. A court termeVoici des pistes de réflexion pour répondre aux problèmes immédiats tout en motivant le personnel. Dans le contexte politique et économique actuel, il n’y a pas de solution miracle. Il faut combiner un ensemble de mesures à mettre en œuvre rapidement:
Ces mesures d'urgence sont indispensables pour redonner confiance, même si elles ne peuvent remplacer la définition d'une politique des ressources humaines solide avec des objectifs à moyen et long terme, définie après un dialogue social bien structuré. A plus long termeLe dialogue social doit porter sur la définition de cette politique avant de passer à la discussion des éléments plus concrets: recrutement, mobilité, intégration etc. Cette approche à plus long terme devrait s'appuyer sur les éléments suivants :
What we propose to the new CommissionThe President of the Commission and the EP are taking action to give a fresh impetus to European integration, in response to European expectations. That cannot be achieved without the mobilisation and motivation of the staff of the institutions. The latter must therefore involve staff in the current changes in order to win their support. The 2004 and 2014 reforms of the Staff Regulations of the European Civil Service have led to a deterioration in working conditions, have created disparities, have perpetuated job insecurity, etc. Moreover, the structural reforms (outsourcing, restructuring, relocations, etc.) have made processes more complicated and made it more difficult to work efficiently. Over a number of years, U4U has put forward constructive proposals to remedy this situation. In the short termHere are some ideas for tackling the immediate challenges, while motivating staff. In the current political and economic climate, there is no quick fix. What is required is a combination of measures to be implemented swiftly: • internal reclassification competitions for administrators (AD) and assistants AST: an additional 1,000 successful candidates in addition to last year’s 350; • internal competitions for CAs and reclassification examinations for CAs of all grades (see also the appeal of the Contract Agents’ Collective); • specialised external examinations for access to the AD 7-9 and AST 5-7 grades to give an opportunity to highly qualified people and those with vast professional experience (including CA staff in delegations and agencies); • maximum use of the opportunities created by the certification procedure, instead of the current restrictive policy; • transparent management of end-of-service access; • full use of the budgetary resources defined by the Staff Regulations for promotions, including the carrying forward (cascade) of unused promotions. These emergency measures are vital to restore trust, even if they cannot replace the establishment of a solid human resources policy with medium and long-term objectives, determined after a properly structured social dialogue. Over the longer termThe social dialogue must focus on defining this policy, before addressing more concrete elements: recruitment, mobility, integration, etc. This longer-term approach should include the following: • The implementation of an active human resources management policy, including talent screening, career monitoring. • The grading of staff at the time of their recruitment must pay greater attention to professional experience and be standardised across all services and institutions. • Promotion and mobility opportunities must reflect an approach designed to boost staff motivation and expertise. This mobility must be inter-institutional, between offices and agencies, and to and from the central services of the institutions. To facilitate mobility, it is important to take account in career pathways of the seniority acquired in different services. • A new human resources management policy should enable contract staff to be managed in a less precarious way. Such colleagues must have access to careers on a fixed-term and/or indeterminate basis in central or outlying services, following a single selection process, common to all categories of contract staff. • The organisation of an inter-institutional labour market, based on the advertising of posts, must guarantee the transparency and fluidity of recruitment. • A genuine training policy for staff, not only when they are recruited but also throughout their career, needs to be put in place. |
Si vous pensez que U4U fait du bon travail et que vous soutenez nos orientations, avez-vous pensé à adhérer ? Nous avons besoin de votre aide pour continuer notre action.
If you think that U4U does a good job and that you meet its positions, have you considered joining us ? We need your help for going on.