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La lettre bimensuelle du Syndicalisme Refondateur |
18/12/2009 #2 |
xyloglossie : n.f. [pédant, humour] nom parodique donné plaisamment à la langue de bois |
EDITORIAL We owe you the truth |
A responsibility to always speak frankly
without embellishments and not in a wooden language.
We promise to do just that. To represent to you in the best possible
way and to be truly effective. A
Commission trade union has to have at least 400 members. To date, U4U has
200 active members. This is a
good membership for such a young trade union. But it is still little small
if we take into account the issues we need to handle and the challenges of
today and tomorrow. At a time when our salaries are
threatened, the European civil service is continuously under attack and
the interests of the staff are often neglected, we need you to give us the
power to continue our battles to defend your interests and to help you.
U4U, a trade union which fights for unity, and in which each one of you
has a place. |
Nomination of Heads of cabinet | |||||||||
The nomination of Heads of cabinet has been made recently, with the intervention of Member States in the designation process. The nationalities of the beneficiaries are distributed as such : United Kingdom : 5, Germany : 4, France : 2 , Belgium : 2, Ireland : 2. The other nationalities have only one post or none. Amongst the large countries, Italy and Spain have only one post and Poland none. One nomination (AGRI) has yet to be made, as a consequence of last minute difficulties. The British (19% of posts) have the following domains : foreign policy, climate, developpement, fiscal affairs, enlargement. The German : presidence, international cooperation, energy and justice. France has internal market and education and would like to have agriculture. These three countries get 41% of all posts.
A brief assessment of the REC/CdR | |||||||||
70% of the working group or committee opinions were discarded as "unfounded", 22% founded and in 8% of the cases, the Committee was not in a position to give an opinion. Even if the greatest number of the appeals were followed up by Administration, the "unfounded" ones were rejected without any explanation. This situation is not good for anyone! Incomprehension
and frustration increase.
Salary increase: Where are we? | |||||||||
Up to now and despite the conciliation
efforts of the Swedish Presidency and despite the opinion of the
Council's own legal service which emphasised the Council's obligation to
adopt before the end of the year the Commission's proposal, the COREPER
did not do so. As the European
Agency underlined: "the
Union for Unity (U4U) trade-union
asks the Commission to: -
remain firm on its proposal
and not modify it; -
introduce immediately an action for failure to act, in the event of non
adoption of the Commission proposal by the Council. It
is requested that the latter "respects its legal and moral
obligations with respect to the European civil service" Today the following possibilities can be
considered: - If the Member States do not
manage to agree on the Commission's proposal before the last Council of
22 December, the Commission considers that the Council is failing in its
obligations. This, as the
Commission promised, would lead to an immediate filing of an obligations
failing appeal against the Council. - The Member States arrive at a
unanimous compromise solution and change the Commission's proposal
disadvantaging the staff. In
this case, we invite the Commission to file an appeal to render void
this decision. In
both cases, U4U invites the staff to remain mobilised and united against
the Council. U4U calls for
solidarity to our Council Colleagues presently on strike.
If you wish you could put some money in a fund account (the
details will be sent to you later) to help those in need.
U4U asks the Commission to maintain its position and apply the
Method. U4U
will continue keeping you informed about developments. We stand together to face all challenges!
The Lisbon Treaty and our salary | |||||||||
Does the Lisbon Treaty modify something in the
agreements on salary adjustments (the "Method")? The Lisbon Treaty amends Article 283
TCE, which defines the adoption and the statutory amendment of
legislation, and therefore Annex XI. On the other hand, the annual
fixing of the amount of the salary adjustment is an lex specialis
envisaged in the staff regulations, and it is not affected by this
modification. The Parliament does not intervene
therefore and there is no consultation of the other Institutions. |
European External Service: safeguard an active role in the Commission and avoid intergouvernemental influences | |||||||||
A "Carte Blanche" appeared in Agence Europe The Lisbon Treaty leaves many
ambiguities which need to be removed by judging the risks and proposing
solutions in order to set up a strategy framework for external action
which will serve common interests and will be in line with the
objectives of the Union. |
Sickness Insurance: an unjustified increase in our contributions! | |||||||||
U4U analysis shows an increase in income for 2009 of almost 5%. Additionally,
the PMO did not take into account the 2009 promotions and the 3.7% wage
growth of 3.7% (if it is applied?) The Common Sickness Regime
might have a cyclical deficit in 2007 and 2008, but this deficit is
under no circumstances structural. The
U4U representatives in the PMO Board were against any increase in our
contributions and any reduction in refunding medical costs.
The Board decided to set up a Working Group to examine the
situation and is not taking any sides until the results of the group are
known. U4U united will oppose any unjustified increase in our sickness contributions and any cuts in refunding rates!
European Schools, it is sometimes too late to do it well. | |||||||||
The Authorities in charge of the European Schools are now painfully aware that having reached their maximum capacity of reception, the Brussels schools will not be in a position to honour all the enrolment requests for the 2010-11 school year. They asked the Belgian government to make available additional buildings as from September 2010 and until the completion of the Laeken site in 2012. They also started the procedure for the opening of a 5th school. The CCP of the Commission, the Staff
Committee of the schools and the APEEE all obviously support these
requests, but the APEEE, knowing that the possibilities of obtaining a
satisfactory solution quickly are very limited, will discuss in their
General meetings possible means of pressure and the palliatives which
prove essential to avoid a catastrophic increase in the already
intolerable conditions of overpopulation. It
is of the greatest importance that parents assist to these General
meetings to defend the right of their children to education under good
conditions. Find the documents
on the GUDEE website. |
The triple U4U partnership | |||||||||
also contributed to the setting up of a trade-union platform holding the
majority in the CLP and CCP. Our
candidate for the presidency of the committees took 2/3 of the votes
presenting a political statement including many of our campaign concerns
and put into evidence our working method which is to involve all staff
in the drawing-up of proposals which concern everybody. Lastly,
very recently, U4U set up a co-ordination mechanism with all the trade
unions aiming to exchange practices and point of view or even
co-ordinate common actions. We achieved some of our goals in a little time. Our objective is to make this new partnership work in order to serve staff interests and defend the European civil service.
3500 rejections | |||||||||
3500: it is the number of colleagues which, following their well argued appeals, received via SYSPER a standard rejection message of "unfounded"! Humour
: DG ADMIN reforms the REC/CdR
Obviously it is better to wait, as a promotion will give access to bigger presents!
Editeur: G. Vlandas Responsable de la rédaction: R. Mohedano-Brèthes Équipe: J.-P. Soyer, F. Andreone, F. Linton, J.L. Noir, N. Pascall |