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La lettre bimensuelle du Syndicalisme Refondateur |
18/01/2010 #3 |
xyloglossie : n.f. [pédant, humour] nom parodique donné plaisamment à la langue de bois |
EDITORIAL Trade Unions - Why ? |
We should not bury our heads in the sand: The Trade Unions suffer from a double deficit – information and image! Only a few colleagues know how and why a trade union is born, functions and … disappears. Very few know how to master the mysterious trade union work – the different bodies and the procedures. But a large number between us lost interest in trade unions and even lost confidence in "their" representation. And this is due to the quarrels, agitations and failures of unionism in the last years… U4U, being a young trade union wishes to return, together with the staff, to the fundamendals of action, work and union engagement. Join U4U, the reforming trade union of information, understanding and being close to the staff!
REC/CDR: common position of the Trade Unions for an improvement of the system position | |||
The last REC/CDR exercise did not satisfy anybody. Frustration and incomprehension are high in the agenda. Our representatives met with DG ADMIN to share their conclusions about the last REC/CDR exercise. U4U and a large majority of the trade unions platform (80% of the staff) adopted a proposal on how to improve the appraisal system for this year in order not to have a repetition of what happened last year. We also asked for a complete change of the system as from 2011 and for this to happen we need to start working now. You can find our proposals on the REC/CDR and the relevant correspondence addressed to the president of the Commission in our website: www.u4unity.eu
Salary increase | |||
The net salary grid (article 66 of the staff regulations) was adapted with a 1.85% increase as from 1 July 2009. All officials and other agents will have a gross increase of 1.85% on their January 2010. This corresponds to a net increase of 1.45% if one takes into account the temporary levy increase of 0.15% and the increase to the pension fund (0.25%). For detail information see the last issue of our magazine THE LINK and our website: www.u4unity.eu U4U will continue to keep you informed about our actions to demand the full application of the Method.
European Schools | |||
The first phase of registrations is to take place from 18 January to 5 February 2010. The aim for this early registration is to provide authorities with a reliable population figure in order to foresee specific building needs before the beginning of the school year. One could doubt however the ability of the Belgian government to give decent solutions (other than putting containers in the courtyard) when we know that nothing moved in the Laeken site for 10 years (from 2000 – 2010). In fact the building is still not free. It is now the time to act together. More
information and registration forms
www.gudee.eu. |
Towards payment public transport | |||
It should nevertheless be noted that the Parliament had some reservations on the approval of subsidies (around 2.4 million Euros), to which the Commission will have to comply before being allowed to use this money.
U4U will remain alert and
do its best for this dossier through its representatives in the relevant
committees. |
Internal competitions | |||
The Commission will organise internal competitions for our Bulgarian and Rumanian colleagues for the following functions: AST1 : 90 posts AST3 : 45 posts AD5 : 80 posts AD9 HOU : 16 posts The procedure for these competitions will be the same as the internal competition EU 10. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us for more information.
Thanks to the Security Office | |||
One of the members of the u4U office was alone at home when he had a heart attack. He managed to call another colleague who was on holidays in Germany. This latter called BDS (88888) which in turn alerted immediately the relevant services that intervened very quickly.
Thank you for this
valuable aid which most probably saved our colleagues life.
U4U goes dancing! | |||
Put Saturday 30 January, 20:00 hrs in your agenda. U4U in cooperation with other Unions is organising a dancing evening in the Berlaymont. Drinks, Food and Music!
Les Zopportunistes
orchestra and our own DJ promise to make the evening very hot! |
Join us ! Adhesion : 5€
(Support : 50€) |
Editeur: G. Vlandas Responsable de la rédaction: R. Mohedano-Brèthes Équipe: J.-P. Soyer, F. Andreone, F. Linton, J.L. Noir, N. Pascall |