Mieux avec la même chose ? Consultation du personnel |
Why a Staff consultation ?
U4U builds its proposals through a democratic
process involving its internal structure (local or action groups, Trade-Union
Council, Executive Bureau, etc.). We also want to give all staff the chance to
influence our positions on important subjects.
You may have differing views or bring a new
perspective. This is why we encourage you not only to vote but also to comment.
All your comments will be read and reflected upon.
Thank you for helping us to serve you better.
Cinq propositions simples pour commencer - Five simple proposals to start
Si vous pensez que U4U fait du bon travail et que vous soutenez nos orientations, avez-vous pensé à adhérer ? Nous avons besoin de votre aide pour continuer notre action.
If you think that U4U does a good job and that you support its positions, have you considered joining us ? We need your help for going on.