Elections 2016

Luxembourg Staff Committee



The main cause of the problems Luxembourg Commission Staff experience is due to the non-delivery of the JMO 2 building. This project has been talked about for years and years!

By not having one single modern building catering for most Staff on Kirchberg*, this results in so-called Band-Aid solutions to problems and also affects how policies such as EMAS are implemented.

*[2009] "la Commission rationalise son implantation à Luxembourg en regroupant dans un même complexe immobilier l'ensemble de ses services sur … Kirchberg."
A Band-Aid solution is a quick fix incapable of dealing with problems of a large scale, providing temporary relief only, and usually also, inadequate temporary relief.

It is like treating a bullet-wound with a small plaster. Completely inadequate!

This also means that the Commission buildings managed by OIL in Luxembourg are not as EMAS-compliant as they should be, if compared to the single-building solution.

They try to make small energy savings, (like for example turning off hot water in the toilets in the BECH building ), while at the same time huge amounts of energy continue to be wasted elsewhere. In addition, pollution caused by travels by staff across the city of Luxembourg goes up and staff productivity, on the other hand, goes down.


It makes one think of the old Dutch story about the boy who sticks his finger in the leaking hole of a dam, only to be faced with even bigger holes in the dam.

The solution is to build a new dam.

Vote the Change calls on the Commission President, Mr Juncker, to use his influence in Luxembourg to speed-up the completion of the JMO 2 building, so that it is completed in record time and is truly EMAS-compliant.


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