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European Fisheries Control Agency


The European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) is based in Vigo (Spain)

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Le comité du personnel de l'EFCA démissionne en bloc


Le comité du personnel de l'EFCA démissionne en bloc

A la suite du départ forcé de la Présidente du Comité du personnel, suite au non renouvellement de son contrat, le Comité du personnel a démissionné en bloc.

U4U envisage en ce moment, avec les personnes concernées, les actions nécessaires pour rétablir le dialogue social à l'EFCA, dans le respect mutuel et dans un but constructif.

Dans un premier temps, une lettre a été envoyée par U4U à la DG HR, à la DG MARE, à la Représentation permanente de la France et enfin à la ministre française en charge.

19 Sept 2014

Communiqué du Comité du personnel du 12/09/2014

Dear all,

In view of the anticipated departure/non availability of a number of Staff Committee Members the current Staff Committee resigned as of yesterday 11/09.

This unanimous decision was taken in order to;

-ensure that the Staff Committee remains a representative body for all staff categories working at EFCA

-to allow participation of additional motivated candidates to the new Staff Committee election in order to reinforce the functioning of the future Staff Committee

In the mean time we would like to thank you for your understanding,

Staff Committee

Letter of the Staff Committee to the Executive Director 11/09/14

Dear Mr. Savouret,

Taking into account the current circumstances in which the composition of the EFCA Staff Committee does not long reflect the actual situation within EFCA.

The EFCA Staff Committee unanimously has decided a collective resignation following the Art. 7.6 of the Decision No 08-I-12(1) of the Administrative Board of the Community Fisheries Control Agency of 13 March 2008 setting up a Staff Committee in the Community Fisheries Control Agency.

EFCA Staff Committee.


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