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Document : Assessment of TA and AC

Brexit, où en sommes-nous?

Brexit : Q&A

Messages to the Staff from our Administration

Brexit, what will happen to me ?

The larger picture


Document : Assessment of TA and AC in the context of Brexit

Implementation of Articles 47 and 119 of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants (CEOS) in the context of the withdrawal of the UK from the EU

N° 03-2021 / 11.01.2021

This Administrative Notice concerns the modalities of the case-by-case assessment of the derogation possibilities to the nationality requirement for temporary and contract agents who no longer satisfy the condition of being a national of one of the Member States of the Union as a result of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union.

The Commission is legally bound to perform a case by case analysis in order to authorise duly justified exceptions to the nationality requirement as provided by Articles 47 and 119 of the CEOS. However, the College took the undertaking that the Authority Empowered to Conclude Contracts (AECC) will make a generous and transparent application of this derogation possibility and that its assessment will be based on the interest of the service.

To implement the commitment undertook by the College on 28 March 2018 and make a generous interpretation of the derogation possibilities, the merits of each staff member will be assessed individually to determine whether it is justified to grant an exception in the interest of the service.

When deciding on the possibility to grant a derogation to the nationality requirement, the AECC will assess whether – when assessed together – all the criteria laid down in the Annex to this Administrative Notice are fulfilled.

This case by case assessment will take place between January and March 2021 and the colleagues concerned will be heard to ensure that all relevant elements are available to the AECC when taking a decision on the possibility to grant a derogation(1).

The final decisions will be adopted before April 2021.

(1) These criteria will be assessed by the relevant AECC as defined under Decision C(2016) 1881 and the possible sub delegations adopted, where relevant.

 Brexit, où en sommes-nous?

La Commission a adopté une position conforme à ce que nous réclamions depuis le début. Pour l'essentiel, le personnel, qu'il soit fonctionnaire ou temporaire, reste en place. Cette prise de position est favorable au personnel britannique mais aussi à toute la fonction publique dont le statut sort renforcé de cette épreuve. Les sections anglophones sont maintenues au sein des écoles européennes. En cas de départ des enseignants britanniques, ils pourront facilement être remplacés compte tenu de leur faible nombre (53).

What’s happening with Brexit?

The Commission adopted a position that was in line with our own from the outset. For the most part, the workforce, both officials and temporary staff, remains in place. This position is favourable for British staff and for the Civil Service as a whole, whose Staff Regulations have been strengthened by this experience. The English-speaking sections are being maintained at the European Schools. The low number of British teachers leaving (53) means that they can easily be replaced.

Slides on Brexit : impact on EU Staff ; Withdrawal process

A few hints on BREXIT for EU Staff British nationals with no other EU nationality :


The AIPN will not make use of art 49 of the Staff Regulations on ‘compulsory resignation’ and British civil servants will continue to hold their post. They will no longer be employed in Delegations after UK withdrawal (on 30/03/2019 in case of no deal or end of transition period). They will be transferred to headquarters by September 2019. Contract agents will then serve in headquarters for a maximum of 4 years. British Seconded National Experts or seconded Temporary Agents will return back to the UK on the date of the withdrawal. The process to grant exceptions will use precise and transparent criteria and there will be a right to be heard. The process will last at least 3 months.


Temporary or contract agents also can no longer be employed by the EU after UK withdrawal, but current contracts will continue and not be renewed.


Acquired pension rights are valid and costs will be borne by the EU budget. British staff are covered by the sickness insurance as long as they are contributors. Only active employees are covered by accident insurance.


Persons not under the Staff Regulations (Commissioner, MEP, CJUE judges…) will be dismissed. Parliamentary assistants to British MEPs will leave, whatever their nationality and duration of contract. 

For European schools, with the withdrawal agreement, UK stays until the end of the school year that is ongoing at the end of the transition period. UK shall recognize the European Bac for pupils graduated before 31/08/2021. Without a deal, seconded teachers will leave when the UK ceases to be a party of the EE Convention (31 August 2020). Contracts will still be valid for locally recruited


Impact of Brexit on the legal status of European Union officials and other servants of British nationality
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, focuses on the legal status of EU active and retired officials and other servants of British nationality in the context of the UK leaving the EU under Article 50 TEU. It examines the legal position of EU officials and other servants of British nationality with their rights and possible remedies. It further explores avenues towards solutions for open legal questions. (November 2017)

Webcast : Meeting of British staff with Commissionners Oettinger & King 29/01/2018

Draft minutes : Information Meeting for UK Staff with Commissioners Oettinger and King (29 January 2018)

The point of view of U4U on the information meeting held on January 2018 (5 Feb 2018) EN Version in TheLink 60

Brexit : décisions de la Commission : application de la condition statutaire d’être ressortissant de l’un des états membres de l’union aux membres du personnel qui ne rempliront plus cette condition en raison du retrait du Royaume-Uni de l’union européenne (mercredi 28 mars 2018)

High Representative and Commission position with regard to staff with UK nationality only in EU Delegations (July 2018)

Commissioners Oettinger and King meet UK staff on 15/01/2019

Commissioners Günther H. Oettinger and Julian King met around 400 UK staff yesterday for an information session and to answer their Brexit-related questions. The event, in the CHAR building in Brussels, was also followed on video conference by nearly 60 UK staff in Luxembourg and Ispra, with another 417 webstream viewers.

Commissioner King opened the session by thanking Commissioner Oettinger for his engagement and determination in following up the steer provided by President Juncker in defence of British colleagues, and for the great respect he had shown towards them. Commissioner Oettinger started by recalling everything that had happened since the last such meeting at the end of January last year, and reconfirming the commitment the College made towards British staff with its decision of 28 March 2018 (link below). He said that he continued to work with determination to deliver on that commitment, adding: “We will implement what we have promised.”

In a wide-ranging speech, he clarified a number of important issues related to job security, pensions, schooling, acquiring a second nationality, contract agents and temporary agents, executive agencies and decentralised agencies, delegations and representations in a deal or a no deal scenario.

The floor was then opened to questions from all three sites. These too covered a wide range of issues, including conflict of interest, staff on indefinite contracts, the correction coefficient for pensions, difficulties faced in Brussels communes, changes to the nationality law in Italy, and the situation in the EIB, among others.

For full details, follow the recording of the event at the link below.

Recording of the information session with British staff

College decision of 28 March 2018 (extract, FR)

Commission UK Staff on My IntraComm


Questions and Answers : I am British, what will happen to my rights ?

I am in activity, will I be fired on the day UK leaves the EU ? Civil servants having been appointed before the Brexit, are lawfully appointed according to the rules applicable at the time and therefore, their appointment or contract is valid and should continue its natural term. Of course, pension rights and other allowances acquired by virtue of these are equally valid (see below for exceptions). These costs should be borne by the EU budget irrespective of the composition of the EU Member States.
Is there a risk for my dismissal ? The employer could decide to use some clauses of the Staff regulations such as the ‘early retirement’ (art 42c), ‘compulsory resignation’ (art 49, which makes an explicit reference to the loss of the citizenship mentioned in art. 28(a) as a condition for appointment) or the ‘retirement in the interests of the service’ (art 50).

These clauses might be used on a case by case basis by the EU institutions to adapt to the reductions of budgets, of missions and geographical scope of EU action. They may also be applied to non-British Staff.

Particular case of TA and CA
emporary agents & Contract agents are ruled by art 47 of the RAA (art 119 for CA) which states that their employment shall cease when they no longer satisfy the conditions laid in art. 12(2)a (being a national of one Member State) unless an exception is authorised.

I am a contract agent, my contract will expire after the likely date for an effective Brexit. Can I expect its renewal ? The Institutions may hire non EU staff by derogation (civil servants : art 28.a SR;  temporary agents : art 12.2.a RAA; contract agents : art 82.3.a RAA ) but you should expect that your contract will not be renewed after the withdrawal of the UK from the EU.
Are there categories of staff more threatened by Brexit ? Non-civil servants (Commissioners, Seconded national experts, MEPs and their parliamentary assistants …) may expect that their contract or functions be discontinued at the end of the two-year negotiation phase foreseen by the Treaty (which may be extended). Director generals would have to leave their functions at the same moment, but could find less prominent roles (counselors, experts…).
I am still in activity, will I be entitled to a EU pension ? Yes. The normal process still applies. If, according to the Staff regulations, you are entitled to a pension, then it will be served.
But I heard that if UK no longer contributes to the EU Budget, my pension will be in jeopardy. Your pension is paid through the EU budget. Furthermore, as explained in this document, pensions are a deferred salary. You accumulated your pension rights throughout your career and they cannot be stripped from you.

This is totally independent from any political arm-wrestling where UK will be asked to face its commitments regarding the guarantee about the pension fund. In note 9 (page 11) of the Joint report from the negotiators of the European Union and the United Kingdom Government on progress during phase 1 of negotiations under Article 50 TEU, we can note the following encouraging wording : "The UK’s share of the liability related to pension and other post-employment benefits for Union staff and staff from the European Defence Agency, the European Union Institute for Security Studies and the European Union Satellite Centre as established on 31 December 2020 will be paid when these amounts fall due, unless an earlier schedule is agreed."

I am a pensioner, is my EU pension in danger ? No, as explained above.
I am a pensioner, will my fiscal situation change ? No. The current rules will still apply.

Your fiscal status is affected by your country of residency, not by your nationality. It is worth remembering that fiscal rules may be volatile.

I am a pensioner living in EU but outside UK, are my residency rights threatened ? Possibly yes. Your rights are linked to the EU citizenship, that you will lose. However, this political question is high on the negotiation agenda. Our current assessment is that an agreement will be reached and that all EU country will uphold the residency rights of all lawful current EU residents.
I am a pensioner (not necessarily British) and I want to live in UK. What will be the impact on my pension ?  After the Brexit, you will be considered as resident of a country outside the EU (art 45 of Annex VIII SR).

Art 82 SR foresees that no correction coefficient applies to pensions, with the exception of acquired rights before 2004 if payable in EU Member States (Art 3.5.b Annex XI SR). If this is not your case, nothing will change. If you are a pensioner residing in UK and having acquired pension rights before 2004, you enjoy a correction coefficient of 134,7. As soon as UK leaves the EU, this coefficient will revert to 100.

See also this UK Policy Paper on residency rights in case of no deal.

I am a pensioner, is there any risk losing the benefit of the Sickness Fund ? As long as you contribute to the Sickness fund via a withdrawal on your salary or pension, you are covered. As is your family, as stipulated by art. 72 of the Staff Regulations.

Regarding your Accident insurance, only the active employee is covered (contribution deducted from the payslip); as a pensioner, you should have contracted a personal Accident insurance.

How will my expatriation allowance be affected if I acquire Belgian citizenship? You will lose it if you are posted in Belgium, unless you are able to prove that you are in the case covered by art.4.1b of Annex VII (see our slides explaining Annex VII, art 4 Staff Regulations).

NB : The TFP, in its decision Jakob Ohrgaard, clearly excluded the internships at the Commission as being « performance of duties in the service of an international organisation » as defined by art.4.1b of Annex VII.

If a British official acquires the nationality of the Member state where he is employed, he /she can no longer claim the benefit of the allowance (see EU CST judgment, 26 June 2013, F-21/12: « an official’s change of nationality may be regarded as an event capable of substantially changing his situation and, accordingly, constitutes a fact warranting review of his situation »)

Will I lose my travel expenses if I acquire Belgian citizenship ? Yes, only officials entitled to the expatriation or foreign allowance residence can claim travel expenses (see Art. 8 of annex VII SR)
What about my tax regime while I am in activity ? The Protocol on privileges and immunities of the EU will continue to apply if you are a resident of an EU Member State. Art. 12 PPI states  : « Officials and other servants of the Union … shall be exempt from national taxes on salaries, wages and emoluments paid by the Union. ».

However, UK may no longer apply this PPI after the Brexit (issue to be settled during the withdrawal negotiations). A possible difficulty may arise from its Art. 13 : "if establishment to [Belgium] from [UK] solely for the performance of service of the Union [the individual is] deemed to remain tax resident of [UK] provided that [UK] is a member of the Union". Your fiscal residence may therefore change.

I am not a Trade Union member yet: in the forthcoming negotiations what do they propose to do to defend our rights? As explained here, Trade Unions represent their members and U4U is looking for more British members to join its ranks in order to defend British colleagues as efficiently as possible .

U4U is a highly responsive and reactive trade union which forms its positions and views from its members directly. We are and will be defending the rights of our British members in the Brexit 'social dialogue'. We invite British colleagues to contact us for more information and for taking part into our action .

I work in an EU delegation, will I be able to stay in function ? Work in a delegation will not be possible anymore (due to the Vienna Convention), therefore a phasing out of British staff serving abroad will have to be organised (mobility back to HQ).

See also Annex X SR art.1 second §, which excludes the recruitment of non-EU staff for posts outside Union.

High Representative and Commission position with regard to staff with UK nationality only in EU Delegations

On what basis do you consider that: Work in a delegation will not be possible anymore (due to the Vienna Convention), therefore a phasing out of British staff serving abroad will have to be organized ? Notre compréhension est que le statut diplomatique ne peut être demandé que pour du personnel ayant la nationalité de l'entité demanderesse, sauf exception. Par conséquent, en ce qui nous (UE) concerne, si le RU ne fait plus partie de l'UE (après bien entendu la sortie effective de l'UE), nous ne pourrons plus demander la couverture par statut diplomatique des ressortissants britanniques travaillant pour nous… il est vrai que l’art 8.1 énonce un principe auquel on peut déroger, mais l’art 8.3 soumet cette exception à autorisation de l’état-hôte.
En pratique, on peut penser que les Etats accréditants, ici l’UE, useront avec parcimonie de cette possibilité d’exception, vu la nature particulière de ces postes et du niveau de confiance requis pour leurs titulaires.

Le texte de la Convention de Vienne :
Art. 8.1. Les membres du personnel diplomatique de la mission auront en principe la nationalité de l'Etat accréditant.
2. Les membres du personnel diplomatique de la mission ne peuvent être choisis parmi les ressortissants de l'Etat accréditaire qu'avec le consentement de cet Etat, qui peut en tout temps le retirer.
3. L'Etat accréditaire peut se réserver le même droit en ce qui concerne les ressortissants d'un Etat tiers qui ne sont pas également ressortissants de l'Etat accréditant.

My children are enrolled in a European School, will they have to leave ?

Latest info : Declaration of Mr Oettinger on 29/01/2018 : "European Schools – UK will cease to be a party of school convention, with effect at end of school year. However if UK staff remain in service, their kids will be able to stay in the European Schools. UK hasn’t set out position".

Documents of the Board of Governors : Risk Management in the European Schools     ‘BREXIT’ – Consequences for the European School System   ‘BREXIT’ – First Report of the BREXIT Working Group (Dec 2017)    Brexit : second report of the WG (April 2018)   Brexit : Third Report of the BREXIT Working Group (Dec 2018)   Brexit: lettre confirmant la position du RU en cas de no-deal   Exchange of letters between the Bog and UK re Brexit Brexit - Fourth Report of the BREXIT Working Group (Apr 2019)   Fifth Report of the BREXIT Working Group (Dec 2019)    Sixth Report of the BREXIT Working Group (April 2020)

Letter of Interparents on Brexit : UK seconded teachers (Feb 2019)

My child is in the Baccalauréat Cycle in the European Schools, are there alternatives to 3rd level courses in UK universities ? Yes, you can look to Dublin City University (DCU) or other universities in Ireland. If you are posted in Luxembourg, a copy of a DCU prospectus is available at the Central Library in the BECH.
I am currently on invalidity:
a) am I considered to be an active member of staff or a pensioner?
b) will I be fired on the day UK leaves the EU ?
c) please see first question in table of Q&As – does this also apply to me?
d) will my rights be protected?
e) will I still be able to return to work?
f) will my children still be entitled to attend their European school?
a) Pensioner until you go back to work

b) No (if the institutions keep their word that they will not apply art. 49 SR)

c) Yes (same condition as b)

d) Yes (same condition as b)

e) Yes, if the conditions which justify your invalidity cease to apply

f) Yes (same condition as b)


Messages to the Staff from our Administration

Message to staff from President J-C. Juncker :

Dear colleagues,
Yesterday, the citizens of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. This result makes me personally very sad – but I respect their choice.
I know that many of you are concerned about your future after this vote. I fully understand that. So I want to send a clear message to you, colleagues, and especially to colleagues of British nationality.
According to our Staff Regulations, you are "Union officials". You work for Europe. You left your national 'hats' at the door when you joined this institution and that door is not closing on you now. As European civil servants you have always been loyal to our Union, contributing tremendously to our common European project. And so it will be in this spirit of reciprocal loyalty that I will work together with the Presidents of the other European institutions to ensure that we can all continue counting on your outstanding talent, experience and commitment. I know you all have legitimate expectations about your rights and duties, your families who might have followed you to Brussels and your children who might be enrolled in schools here.
Let me assure you that I will do everything in my power as President of the Commission, to support and help you in this difficult process. Our Staff Regulations will be read and applied in a European spirit.
In the coming days and weeks, you will all have the opportunity to show the European Commission at its best. The eyes of the world will be upon us, expecting us to provide stability, act decisively and uphold Europe's values. I have every confidence in you. Together we will rise to that task. (24 June 2016)

Message of the High Representative Federica Mogherini to all EEAS Staff :

Dear colleagues,
Further to the referendum, the British people decided to leave the European Union. We all very much regret this decision, but we have to respect it.
I want to pay here a specific tribute to all our British colleagues, who worked hard – and will continue to work hard with us, and in particular to those who could not vote and are now impacted by the result of the referendum. Your loyalty and commitment to the European cause is undisputed, as you belong to Europe and are true Europeans. The EEAS is a family and it is your family.
In the meeting we had yesterday in the EEAS premises, I made clear I am aware of the concerns that many of you – and not just the British colleagues - have regarding their future in the EEAS. I, together with the other European Institutions, with the EEAS senior management and staff representatives will work towards solutions that provide the highest possible degree of certainty on a wide-range of issues that could affect you and your families.
This commitment is shared by the Presidents of the European institutions and will be taken into account in the negotiation process that will start when the United Kingdom government will trigger the procedure under Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. Until then, nothing changes in our approach and dealings with UK staff.
Be assured that you will be kept posted of any development, initiative and steps that the European Institutions will take in the next few days to deal with and to answer the questions that will inevitably arise. I will make sure that the EEAS management in the Headquarters and in the Delegations do share all information in real time. 

Message from the Secretary-General of the European Schools, Mr Kari Kivinen, following the UK referendum

Dear all,
One of the fundamental values of the European Union is democracy.
Under Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union, any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.
The outcome of the UK referendum has been a sad piece of news for Europe and for the European School community.
The UK Government has to invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty to start the process of EU exit. Once this has been done, a two-year negotiation period will begin. It is far too early to speculate on how these negotiations will evolve as far as the European Schools are concerned.
In my estimation, the UK referendum will not have any immediate major impact on the daily operation of the European Schools.
We are closely monitoring developments in the situation and we are ready and willing to initiate negotiations with the EU and UK authorities in order to safeguard the smooth operation of our schools in the coming years.

Message from Mrs Helga Maria SCHMID, Secretary general of the EEAS, to all EEAS Staff :

Dear colleagues,
The ongoing discussions between the EU and the UK on Brexit and the future relationship impact significantly on the professional and private life of our colleagues who hold only a British passport.
I fully understand that this is causing considerable uncertainty for our EEAS colleagues of British nationality. I wish to inform you that, in agreement with the HRVP, and as a first step, the EEAS aligns to the Commission decision regarding the application of the provisions of Article 49 of the Staff Regulations and Articles 47 and 119 of the Conditions of Employment of other servants as a result of the UK's decision to leave the European Union (attached). The European Parliament has adopted a similar line of action.
In short, this means that: British EEAS officials will not be asked to resign because they no longer possess an EU nationality and will be able to continue their employment within the EEAS.
For contract and temporary agents, Articles 47 and 119 CEOS provide that, in principle, employment is terminated if an agent no longer has the nationality of a Member State. However, the EEAS will follow a case by case approach to allow the Appointing Authority to grant exceptions to the nationality clause to extend contracts (before 29/3/2019), seeking the best solution in the interest of the service and of the individuals concerned.
As regards staff of British nationality in EU Delegations, there are a number of issues which need to be resolved and the EEAS is working closely with the Commission to establish a common approach. We will communicate the results of this common work as soon as possible.
Let me seize this opportunity to stress once again how much the HRVP and I highly appreciate the work of our British EEAS colleagues and their dedication to our common project.
(May 29th, 2018)


Brexit, what will happen to me ?

According to official statistics, there are 1126 British in the Commission. First are Belgians, then, in decreasing order, Italians, French, Spaniards, Germans, Poles, Romanians and Greeks.

My EU citizenship : See here latest updates about acquiring Belgian nationality.

I am British, what are my rights ? (slides presented during a conference on 20/09/2016)

AIACE : conséquences du BREXIT pour les pensionnés britanniques résidant en Belgique + Annex (Note on the effects of the Brexit written by AIACE UK)

Lettre du Collège des Présidents des Comités du Personnel

Lettre du Collège des Présidents des Comités du Personnel à M. Michel Barnier  EN version

Réponse de M. M. Barnier à la lettre du CPCP

Brexit : L’administration et la fonction publique européenne, après le retrait du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne
REVUE DE L’UNION EUROPEENNE (juillet-août 2020)

The larger picture

The withdrawal process according to article 50 : what is foreseen in the Treaty ?

Lettre de Théresa May à Donald Tusk officialisant le retrait du Royaume-Uni de l'Union Européenne

European Parliament : Negotiations with the United Kingdom following its notification that it intends to withdraw from the European Union

Guidelines adopted by the European Council, following the United Kingdom's notification under Article 50 TEU. (29 April 2017) Press statement

UK withdrawal from the European Union : Legal and procedural issues

Debates about Brexit in Europe Solidaire (with lots of handy documents)


Contextualisons la crise de confiance dans l'UE : un entretien avec G. Vlandas

Communiqué de U4U à la suite du référendum britannique :

Rebondir !

Le Royaume-Uni vient de voter sa sortie de l'Union européenne. Les compromis malheureusement acceptés par les autres membres de l'Union avant le référendum n'ont pas suffi à convaincre une majorité de Britanniques de rester dans l'Union. Ces compromis ont plutôt conduit à ce que d'autres membres de l'Union préconisent un moins disant communautaire. Ces reculades ont été précédées par bien d'autres, notamment au moment de l'adoption des perspectives financières de l'Union pour 2014/2019.

L'Union européenne s'est enfoncée dans une crise qui, nourrissant le scepticisme, l'a éloignée de ses citoyens. Avec le vote britannique, l'Union paye ses reculades, sa stagnation, l’abandon d’une vision sociale et culturelle de l’Europe. Les citoyens ne voient désormais dans la construction européenne que ses échecs et non ses réalisations et ses potentialités, pourtant réelles dans de nombreux domaines comme la politique régionale, la recherche ou la concurrence.

Il est encore temps de réagir en tentant de rétablir la confiance et la conviction que les approches communes sont plus efficaces que le chacun pour soi. Il nous faut relancer la construction européenne de façon concrète et dans les domaines les plus urgents. Les institutions européennes, et en particulier Commission européenne, doivent prendre des initiatives en ce sens. La méthode de travail communautaire, garante de l’intérêt général, doit être privilégiée, à partir d’une orientation politique commune, négociée au niveau du Conseil.

La Commission qui est garante de l'application des Traités, doit conduire la négociation avec le Royaume-Uni pour lui permettre de quitter rapidement l'Union tout en nouant avec lui de nouveaux partenariats.

Les institutions européennes doivent mobiliser leur personnel et lui redonner confiance et fierté dans ses missions.

Georges Vlandas

Bouncing back!

The United Kingdom has just voted to leave the European Union. The compromises unfortunately agreed by the other members of the Union before the referendum were not enough to persuade a majority of British voters to remain in the Union. Rather, these compromises resulted in other members of the Union recommending a watered down Community, with each member looking out for its own interests. This climb down was preceded by others, especially when the EU’s financial outlook for 2014/2019 was adopted.

The European Union has dug itself into a crisis which, by fuelling scepticism, has distanced it from its citizens. With the British vote, the EU is now paying for its climb downs, stagnation, and for abandoning a social and cultural vision of Europe. Citizens now only see the failings of the European construction, rather than its achievements and potential, although these are significant in numerous fields such as the regional policy, research and competition.

There is still time to respond by re-establishing confidence and the belief that a joint approach is more effective than every man for himself. We have to give new impetus to European integration in a concrete manner, and where it is most urgently needed. The European institutions, and in particular the European Commission, must take the initiative in this direction. The Community working method, protector of the general interest, must be given priority, from a joint political approach negotiated at Council level.

The Commission, which ensures the application of the Treaties, must conduct negotiations with the United Kingdom to enable it to leave the EU quickly, while at the same time forming new partnerships with it.

The European institutions must motivate their staff and re-establish confidence and pride in their missions.

Georges Vlandas


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