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Home > Members
> Training for EPSO competitions > FAQ
Frequently asked questions on training
had a look to your web pages about training but they seem outdated, although
I received an e-mail about new sessions. |
This is due to the Internet
server of your institution which can be over-enthusiastic about 'caching'
(particularly in the EP).
Easy remedy : hit the function key F5 when you are on the page you want to
consult, it will be updated. |
I am a civil servant but
want to register to the course someone of my family who is not working for
the institution, can I do it ? |
Yes, follow the normal
process and indicate the name of the person actually following the course in
the box titled ‘Name of participant (if s/he is not the member)’. |
I am not working for the
institutions and I have no family connection with someone who does. Can I
apply ? |
Normally not, send a message
training@u4unity.eu requesting for a special access. |
I am an END, can I register ?
Yes, all persons working for
the institutions can register regardless their status (contract agent,
temporary, parliamentary assistant, interim contract…),
provided they are member of U4U. |
I am not a member, can I attend the
courses ? |
Please join us first |
Can I attend the course
without being a member ? |
No. |
Can I join U4U only for the
time of the course ? |
No. We are not a commercial
company and we do not like to be used as one. If you do not share our
values, if you don't want to become a permanent member, please do not apply for membership. |
I joined U4U recently, should I register now
for the training or wait for the confirmation of the joining to U4U ? |
Please register immediately, as courses are
filling up quickly. |
Where are the sessions
taking place ? |
The answer is in the
description of the training. The precise location will be shown on the
invitation. |
What is the cost of the
training ? |
The answer is in the
description of the training. |
In which language are the courses
given ? |
The answer is in the
description of the training. |
Is there still some place left for
the training ? |
yes, we close the registration when the session is full. |
The registration is closed,
can I still apply ? |
the session is full, other sessions will be organized and announced. |
Can I follow the course by
webstreaming or tele conferencing ? |
unless the training is labelled 'webinar', in which case this is a 'remote
learning' session that you can follow from your desktop. |
Some training or coaching
sessions are offered through teleconferencing. How should I connect ? |
Please :
| identify with which tool you are asked to connect (in
particulat 'skype' is a different software than 'skype for business'.) |
| follow the guidance given by the instructor for
connecting; in most cases, no prior installation of software is needed |
| use a desktop, a laptop or a tablet for connecting; a
phone does not provide a sufficiently good environment for following a
course. |
| connect on time; make sure you will not be disrupted
during the course. |
See also : Note aux orateurs
See also chapter 10 of this page
for other technical requirements. |
Can I get, for a fee, the
training written material without attending the course ? |
No. |
Do you organize sessions
outside of Brussels? |
Yes, these
sessions are announced on the web site. We also organize 'webinars' (online
teaching). |
What is the address of the
venue? |
It will be confirmed in the
invitation. |
The process for registering is described on
the main page (EN FR),
it should be strictly followed.
What happens if I do not
follow properly this process ? |
Your application will be
rejected or mismanaged. |
What happens if I do not
make the bank transfer immediately when I register ? |
Your application will be
rejected. |
Why do I need to indicate which competition I
am preparing ? |
This helps us to advise you if the training
proposed is not applicable to this compettition. When registering, please
note that the Situational competency-based interview (SCBI), the General
competency based interview (GCBI) and the Competency-based interview (CBI)
are different types of tests, prepared by different training courses. |
How much do I have really to
pay ? |
The answer is in the
description of the training. |
Are the courses free for U4U members ? |
No. Our trainings are for our members only but
you have to pay for them. Our tariffs include generally a significant rebate.
Our membership fee only covers our administrative costs. |
I have received a confirmation that
my registration has been registered, when will I receive the invitation to
the training ? |
One week before the training
takes place, to the e-mail address you provided in your registration form. |
I have registered myself for
the training session but I haven't received any confirmation about it. Shall
I register myself again? |
No, the confirmation should
be sent within three days. If you have not received a confirmation or an
error message within this delay, contact
training@u4unity.eu |
I could not attend, can I have a
copy of the written material ? |
contact our secretary. In some cases, this can be done. |
I could not attend, can I be
reimbursed or my payment transferred to another session ? |
No. |
I wish to cancel my
registration, how can I do it and will I be reimbursed ? |
Write as soon as possible to
training@u4unity.eu You will be reimbursed
of the cost of the training if you cancel your registration before the delay
indicated on the main page. For some trainings, a cancellation fee will be
applied but only if it is explicitly foreseen in the description of the
The membership fee will not be reimbursed, as you are
now a member of U4U. |
Where can I find books to prepare
myself ? |
U4U sells such books at reduced
price for its members. Please see here. Do not forget :
a) in your bank transfer, to indicate "Books for EPSO competitions"
b) to mention in your order
which books (precise titles) & langage you want. |
10- Webinars : which are the technical requirements ?
How do I know where to connect
? |
Before each session, you will receive an e-mail
(watch also your Inbox spam folder) detailing the convocation to the online
training and giving a link that you must follow to enter the session. |
Webinars : which are the technical requirements ? |
These are some technical prerequisites you will
have to meet in order to fully enjoy all the virtual classroom
functionalities: • A strong and stable internet network connection;
• A webcam and a microphone (either external or integrated to your device);
• Headphones or an audio headset.
A phone does not provide a sufficiently good
environment for following a course. U4U cannot be held responsible for any technical difficulties linked to
your IT equipment (computer, microphone, webcam, headphones) or to the poor
quality of your Internet connection which could disrupt or interrupt your
access to the virtual classroom. You must ensure that your Internet
installation and your IT equipment are functioning properly before you
connect and participate in online classes. |
Why do I need a camera ? |
It is essential for the quality of the course
that your camera is switched on and running. The trainer needs to see you to
assess your reactions. In principle, your camera should always be active
during the course, unless otherwise instructed by the trainer, who may
sometimes limit the use of the camera to specific interactions with you.
Refusing to activate the camera at the request of the trainer may lead to
your expulsion from the course, without the possibility of a refund. |
Must I download and install software ? |
In most cases, no need to download or install software. A
state of the art and properly updated Browser is sufficient.
In some cases, you may download a 'client'
module but this is not a prerequisite and is left to your own choice..
More info on teleconferences... |
With ORSEU as the Trainer |
More detailed technical specifications.
Use our
Check application to test your connection prior to attending the training.
Who has the Intellectual
Property rights on training material used for the session ? |
U4U and/or the Trainer is the sole owner of the
intellectual property rights of all the courses it offers. Therefore, all
educational contents and teaching materials (paper, digital, oral) provided
during the course are considered original works. As such, they are protected
by copyright and intellectual property rights. All teaching materials remain
the exclusive property of U4U and/or the Trainer. They shall not be used,
recorded or reproduced, if not expressly authorized by U4U and/or the
Trainer, by concession contract of autonomous rights.
Any reproduction, modification, publication,
transmission, either total or partial, of our training content is strictly
prohibited, regardless of the process or the media used. |
Any more question ? write to