The Fusion for Energy Joint Undertaking (F4E) is based in Barcelona (Spain). The ITER project is based at Cadarache (France) Contact persons : Paul Wouters, Gerard Gomez Escudero, Chiara Cavalieri, Marlene Flageolet Monsieur Stavros CHATZIPANAGIOTOU est Vice-président de U4U pour les Affaires générales et Agences de régulation Mailbox : U4U@f4e.europa.eu The Unions arrived at F4E, who are your local representatives ? Message from U4U to our New DirectorMessage to F4E Director 20/06/2023 Dear Mr. Lachaise, First of all, we would like to congratulate you for your appointment as Director of Fusion for Energy and express our best wishes for success in this challenging position. We are U4U, a citizen and European trade union that puts staff participation at the centre of its work. We aim to always act in a constructive spirit and in full transparency, keeping staff involved in our action. European construction is at the heart of our “raison d'être” and our action is clearly linked to the future of the European project. We are fighting for the unity of the staff and to create solidarity amongst all, no matter their category, profession, background or “generation". We defend staff through the defence of our institutions. We are currently the professional association with the highest number of members in Fusion for Energy and we have been at the forefront of bringing social dialogue in the organisation. Your appointment marks the beginning of a new era in F4E, and it is important that we can ensure the closure of the painful few years behind us in order to successfully turn the page and look to the future with optimism. Continuous poor management from the top and ill-informed and belated governance decisions had seriously deteriorated the working environment at F4E, characterized by mistrust and unrealistic objectives, installing a blame culture and low morale amongst staff. In May 2021, a staff member – Mario Gagliardi, a young Italian engineer – took his own life denouncing the work pressure and unhealthy working environment in F4E. The management of the aftermath of this tragic incident was equally unfortunate by top management and governance, leading to a strike by F4E staff and several denunciations by trade unions and individual colleagues. The turmoil that lasted a few months led inter alia to the decision of the governance to replace the top management of the organisation. The situation has since improved thanks in particular to the change in the top management, a platform for a “change agenda”, including the organisation of a direct expression of staff, and the very active participation of many colleagues in these initiatives. This has proved to be a period of lot of introspection, intense interactions and emotional outbreaks; all necessary elements to be able to close this chapter and move forward. It is now time to reap the benefits of these rich discussions by providing a vision and steering them from the top with the objective to prioritise, focus and act! In this context, it is crucial to set the right tone from the top to help creating and spreading the signs of a new phase in F4E. The final report on “Direct Expression of Staff”, with over 200 participants and 29 groups has several important conclusions. The Trade Unions in partnership with the Staff Committee will prepare specific topics that can be discussed during a Social Dialogue with our F4E Administration. We believe that by taking these steps together with you, we can make F4E an even better place to work. In addition to a healthy working environment, it is equally important to provide a long perspective to the organization and its staff - in particular to offset the further delays coming from the ITER project. F4E should take a leading role in bringing together all European partners, being industry, scientific research or technological institutes, and invest in the development of the European vision for making fusion energy a reality. Closer integration with the ITER Organization will certainly bring benefits both for the ITER project as well as for F4E and the European leadership in the project; it will also provide future perspectives for staff. It is however crucial for the success of this plan to identify those areas that require closer collaboration, or even “One Team”, avoiding a “one-size-fits-all” approach which may lead to artificial integration, and endangering the whole exercise. In order for this to be successful, staff would need to be at the heart of this process – they remain the most important resource of the project – and should not feel or treated like an expendable commodity that can be coerced, moved, or replaced. Social dialogue is key to all these challenges and should become a priority in designing the next steps. Developing and explaining a clear vision, discussing with staff and their representatives, setting objectives and agreeing on how to implement them are crucial elements for the next period to be successful. They are part of a process that requires dialogue, negotiation, consensus and time. In this context, we are therefore extremely concerned by the demands of the governance to you to present an integration plan, an improved organisation structure and a corporate culture policy, already in early September 2023 when you are only taking up your duties in the middle of May. We are at an important crossroads for the project and the organization and rush deadlines may compromise the consultation and discussions and consequently the very quality of the proposals and their implementation. You have the privilege to have been appointed to lead an organisation of recognised professional standards. In terms of technical competencies, industrial and procurement practices, as well as of administrative excellence, F4E has received a lot of recognition from its peers, either big science organisations, such as ESA and CERN, or the EU institutions and agencies and many often look at F4E for measuring their own capacities. You can count on extremely competent and committed staff who are always prepared to go the extra mile. We are looking forward to welcoming you and working with you for making F4E a great place to work, for successfully building ITER and for bringing fusion energy to the world. As the largest trade union in F4E, we are at your disposal to help turn the above challenges in opportunities for all. Georges Vlandas, On behalf of F4E Director nominee, Marc Lachaise, and with the authorisation of F4E Director ad interim, Jean-Marc Filhol, please find below the reply to your email communication from 13 March 2023. Dear Mr Vlandas , Cher Monsieur Vlandas, I refer to your message from 13 March 2023. As you are probably aware, I will formally take up my duties as Director of F4E on 16 May 2023 and I am still working full time for my current employer, but it seemed important to me to answer before my official start date. Let me first express my appreciation for engaging with me and sharing your views on the situation at F4E. I am an advocate of social dialogue, respecting the competencies of each party, and will want to establish an open and constructive conversation with F4E’s Staff Committee and Unions. You may be aware that I am coming from Électricité de France (EDF) which is a public enterprise and I am personally motivated to work in the public interest with public money. I am also aware of the responsibilities that come with my future position as Director of an EU body and the importance of adhering to the well-established rules and norms for human resources and financial management among others, and their spirit. I share your views about the importance of establishing a healthy working environment – this is not only good for the individuals but for the functioning of the whole organisation. F4E has a very ambitious mandate, and we need to be an effective team to deliver. I know that I will be supported by colleagues proud of working for F4E and fusion, even if ITER is going through a challenging time. I share this pride joining the team. On 17 March 2023 I addressed an all-staff meeting at F4E where I stressed three principles that I will advocate: trust, teamwork and transparency. These are essential for a healthy and well-functioning organisation that can face the challenges of F4E’s ambitious projects. Concerning the other specific points raised in your message, you are well aware that F4E is a complex organisation and I need to go through a steep learning curve to properly understand all aspects of the organisation and F4E’s environment before taking any decisions with long-term impact. My focus upon joining F4E will be to bring stability, ensure that values are propagated from the top, support the management team and staff to continue their work. I will propose a meeting with the Staff Committees and Unions very early in my mandate. Until I take up my duties on 16 May I would invite you to continue working closely with the current F4E Director and F4E management team to make progress on any existing topics. I look forward to collaborating closely with you and thank you for your support. Sincerely yours, Cordialement, Marc Lachaise Direct Expression of F4E StaffDear Colleagues, Expression directe des salariés (octobre 2022) In-depth Administrative Inquiry on F4E working environmentRéunion du 10/11 mars 2022 : U4U à F4E Answer from Commissioner Simson to our joint communication (Feb 2022) Answer from the Director of F4E to the above letter Status of the F4E Administrative Enquiry (June 2021) F4E : les syndicats écrivent aux Commissaires pour des conditions de travail décentes (Jan 2022) JOINT COMMUNICATION BY F4E TRADE UNIONS - Information to Staff on the results of General Assembly November 2021Dear Colleagues, Following the General Assembly of F4E staff of 9 November 2021, and the subsequent vote on the proposal by the three trade unions (US, R&D and U4U) representing F4E staff, we would like to communicate the results of the vote of the General Assembly of Staff and the next steps forward. Resolution adopted 1. F4E staff express their deep disappointment for the way the preliminary assessment to the inquiry for the tragic loss of our colleague Mario X was conducted, and in particular the failure to provide clear conclusions on the F4E professional environment 2. F4E staff questions the conclusions of the preliminary assessment to the inquiry, which does not take into account the continuous degradation of the F4E working conditions, and express their concern that this situation will continue and may affect more staff 3. F4E staff has decided (164 in favour, 92 against, 48 abstentions) to call for a strike as a means to protest against these events 4. F4E staff has decided (219 in favour, 50 against, 35 abstentions) to ask the representatives of the three trade unions present at F4E (US, R&D and U4U) to bring the concerns of Fusion for Energy to the attention of the political authorities in Brussels and discuss with them how to improve the situation in the organisation 5. F4E staff has decided (225 in favour, 43 against, 36 abstentions) to ask the F4E Staff Committee and the trade unions to explore the possibility of launching their own independent study to look into the root causes of the deplorable professional environment in F4E Next steps 1. The above resolution will be communicated to the F4E administration and the members of the F4E Governing Board 2. A strike is called for the morning of 24 November 2021 (half day) in line with Article 28 of the Agreement and the trade unions will give a prior notice to the administration as foreseen by the framework agreement signed with F4E. In memory of our colleague Mario X and in solidarity with his family and close colleagues, we invite all F4E staff to gather together virtually on 24 November at 11h (a link will be provided). More information on the different actions will be communicated in the days to come. We would like to thank the F4E Staff Committee for their support and excellent collaboration. Most of all, we would like to thank all members of staff for their massive participation in the General Staff Assembly and the subsequent vote – it is a clear sign of the difficult moments facing us, but also of the commitment of the staff to move forward and work in together to improve the F4E working conditions. EPSU, R&D and U4U Notice of work stoppage (Nov 2021) British Colleagues Fight To Reinstate Individual Rights Post-Brexit (Fev 2022)
Election au Comité du personnel 2021
U4U à Fusion for Energy (F4E): un an déjà!First U4U general assembly of its F4E members (20/04/2021)Dear Colleagues, It is a great pleasure to be here today with you for this first U4U general assembly of its F4E members. Your general assembly is being held at a very particular time:
I wish you the very best of luck in these upcoming elections. In addition, I encourage you to continue strengthening your team through ever greater involvement of all of your members in U4U activities. Georges Vlandas F4E Staff Assembly – 19 March 2021 : Opening Remarks by U4U – Georges VlandasDear colleagues, I remember now, it was more than 4 years ago – back in 2017 - when we were invited to come to Barcelona for the first time. We had the opportunity to meet with all of you - F4E staff - and with the Director and the senior management. It took two more years to negotiate and sign the agreement between F4E and us, U4U and EPSU, which opened the way for a structured social dialogue, in a similar way that happens in the Commission and many other European agencies – every year more. The negotiations were not easy as F4E management was not clear about the added value of a social dialogue – in particular one that takes into account the developments in all the European institutions. However, the persistence of F4E staff as expressed in a various staff assemblies, and a little help from the Commission, finally made the agreement possible. It was signed in May 2019, and formally started in October 2019. In this year and a half, we have discussed a number of issues important to all of you: for some, we have reached an agreement, for other the discussions will continue: Contract Renewal, Long Term Human Resources Plan, Professional Incompetency and the job landscape. On Brexit, U4U has fully supported the European approach of F4E to retain all colleagues with British Nationality. We think that the social dialogue started 18 months ago has been a success. And we are also happy to hear that a third union may be interested to join the agreement and we would be happy to work with them as well for the benefit of F4E and its staff. U4U has played a crucial role in these discussions:
In U4U, we are proud that:
Let me finish by thanking our F4E members, but also all the F4E colleagues, for their support. We promise to remain by their side and to continue our work for the development of F4E. The local F4e-U4U Team that you probably know, Paul Wouters, Marlene Flageollet, Chiara Cavalieri and Gerard Gomez is always available for any clarification or support you may need.
U4U : présence et dialogue social à l’agence Fusion for Energy (F4E)Implanté récemment à Barcelone au sein de Fusion for Energy, U4U obtient des premiers résultats positifs lors de la tenue du dialogue social. F4E est formellement un Joint Undertaking (JU) au sens du TFUE. Lors de la création de l’organisation internationale scientifique ITER, dont le but unique est de créer un démonstrateur dans le domaine de la fusion nucléaire, le Conseil a négocié avec ses partenaires internationaux (USA, Japon, Corée, Russie, Inde, etc.) l’établissement du réacteur à Cadarache, en France. Toutefois, il a été convenu que la partie Euratom (marchés, budget etc.) serait gérée par un JU basé en Espagne, à Barcelone. Cet organe a connu une gestion assez inégale. Le personnel a demandé aux syndicats de soutenir l’action du Comité du personnel qui a dû gérer des situations compliquées. Après Cologne, Alicante et La Haye, U4U a donc créé une section locale à F4E, à la demande du personnel. En parallèle, notre organisation a tenu plusieurs assemblées générales avec le second syndicat présent à F4E – l’Union Syndicale - qui ont permis de conclure un accord cadre avec la direction actuelle, avec le soutien actif du Directeur général de la DG ENER (lien avec la photo sur le site). Cet accord a été conclu il y a un peu plus d’un an. Il est entré en vigueur à l’automne 2020. Depuis lors, un dialogue social s’est mis en place, avec les deux syndicats représentatifs (U4U et EPSU). Le dialogue social a démarré et semble prendre sa vitesse de croisière. Il vise à défendre une fonction publique de carrière face à la tentation d’un système de « posting » importé des organisations internationales comme ITER. Après avoir établi l’agenda des thèmes à aborder dans le cadre du dialogue social, U4U, en bonne collaboration avec l’Union syndicale, a négocié, avec succès, pour commencer, la politique contractuelle de F4E, dont le but est d’avoir des agents à durée indéterminée (AT, AC). La prochaine discussion portera sur l’insuffisance professionnelle. En parallèle, U4U suit les cas individuels en relations avec sa section locale, bien implantée désormais, et fortement mobilisée pour aider les collègues. 26/06/2020 Letter on Staffing levels and external resources for Fusion for Energy July 2020 Answer by Mr Juul Jørgensen to letter on staffing levels and external resources for F4E. 31/07/2020
Etat du dialogue social à F4EAu 12/02/2020
Request for a social dialogue on planned Staff reduction(extract of a letter sent to the Director F4E on 12/11/2019) U4U would like to start without any delay the Social Dialogue on the “Long Term Human Resources Plan”, given below statement that will be presented at AMC: “Over the 2019-2027 period it is estimated that there will be a 20% reduction in the overall human resources used by F4E to implement its mandate.” U4U is concerned about the statement and the heavy implications it may have on the staff. We are very surprised that the Unions have not yet been consulted on such an important issue for the organization, only a “technical” meeting has been proposed by the administration without a specific date. U4U believes that in the interest of the organisation and all of its F4E Staff the Social Dialogue needs to be opened prior of presenting the “Long Term Human Resources Plan” to the Governing Board. Long Term Human
Resources Plan of F4E
U4U Members - Themes for Social Dialogue and MeetingDear U4U members, dear colleagues, After more than two years of discussions with the management of F4E, meetings with staff, we have finally signed – together with our colleagues from USF, a framework agreement governing social dialogue in F4E. The agreement intends to take the interest of staff into account and the success of its implementation will depend in our active involvement to define the themes of this dialogue and have fruitful discussions. Before starting the discussions with the management of F4E, we would like to receive your input on the themes that you see as a priority for discussion. We also intend to have a meeting with all our members in Barcelona in September. We count on all of you to support us in our effort to improve the social dialogue in F4E. Georges Vlandas 10/07/2019 Letter sent to Mr Schwemmer on 10/07/2019Dear Mr. Schwemmer, First of all, we would like to thank you and your services for
the good collaboration and the signature of the framework agreement between F4E
and the Trade Unions to improve the social dialogue in the Joint Undertaking.
With my best regards, Accord cadre F4E/SyndicatsNous avons négocié avec la Direction de l'Entreprise Commune un accord-cadre pour un dialogue social structuré. Cet accord va permettre une meilleure et plus efficace représentation des intérêts du personnel en établissant les règles du dialogue social. Cette étape franchie, U4U va s'attacher à faire remonter les problèmes et les attentes du personnel afin d'y apporter des solutions négociées dans un esprit de bonne collaboration. Accord-cadre entre l'agence F4E et les organisations représentant le personnel (27/05/2019) Vidéo : Signature de l'accord-cadre F4E (fusion for energy) en vue d'améliorer le dialogue social par Mr P. Schwemmer (directeur de l'agence), Mr G. Vlandas (président du syndicat U4U) et de Mr B. Macklin (président de l'Union syndicale de F4E) en présence de Mr D. Ristori (directeur général de la DG ENER) et de Mr I. Iacono (président du Comité Central du Personnel et vice-président du syndicat Union syndicale). Lettre de M. G. Vlandas du 29/05/2019Chers collègues, [Top] |
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