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Élus de la liste U4U

Participation de U4U dans les différents comités

Assemblée générale des fonctionnaires

Social dialog

What are the Staff Committees ? Missions and Structure

What are Trade Unions in the Commission ? Mission and Role


Élus de la liste U4U au CLP de Bruxelles

Résultat des élections au CLP de Bruxelles (2022)

Titulaire Suppléant

Représentants de U4U au CCP de la Commission

Titulaire Suppléant
VALLINA MENENDEZ Annabelle               ANDREONE Fabrice

Participation dans les différents comités et groupes de travail

Participation du RS U4U / USHU : Vous pouvez contacter nos représentants, si besoin est.

T: titulaire; S: suppléant

1) au titre du CCP

Comités interinstitutionnels

Coparco (Commission paritaire commune)  
Comité du Statut ANDREONE Fabrice (S)
Comité de gestion de l'Assurance Maladie (Sickness fund) VANDE WALLE, Aenea (S)

Comités statutaires

COPAR Commission paritaire  FERRAZZOLI, Angelo (S)


Comité paritaire de suivi de l'exercice des promotions CPSEP CAELEN Yves (S)
Comités paritaires de promotion  
Comité paritaire pour la procédure de certification  
Comité de reclassement des AT du CCR, GROW, RTD, OLAF JUAN LINARES Victor (S)
Comité paritaire de reclassement des AC 3 bis ISLAMAJ Agim (S)
Comité paritaire pour l'insuffisance professionnelle ANDREONE Fabrice (S)
Conseils de discipline  
Groupe technique de coordination concours Recherche GT-CCR ANDREONE Fabrice
Comité paritaire AD  
Comité paritaire AST  
Groupe ad hoc VLANDAS Penelope, ISLAMAJ Agim

Comités sociaux

Conseil d'administration pour les Services sociaux GROSJEAN Patrice (S)
Comité paritaire pour le remboursement des frais scolarité exceptionnels RFSCE JUAN LINARES Victor (S)
Commission consultative pour l'octroi de prêts et de secours  

Conseils de Direction

Conseil de Direction du PMO  
Conseil de direction EPSO STEPHANY Jean-Luc (T)


Comité paritaire pour l'égalité des chances COPEC CAMARA Rama (T)
Comité directeur de la Formation  
Groupe d'accompagnement Ecoles européennes


2) au titre du CLP Bruxelles

CPPT Comité paritaire de Prévention et de Protection au travail JUAN-LINARES Victor (S)
CPRE  Comité paritaire de Gestion des restaurants et de l'économat GERVAISE Anne (S)
COCEPE Comité paritaire de gestion du Centre de la Petite enfance VLANDAS Penelope (T)
COPAS Comité paritaire des Actions sociales CAMARA Rama (S)

3) Au titre du CLP Luxembourg

Cté de sécurité, d’hygiène embellissement des lieux de travail (CSHT) Francisco de Miguel
Restaurants et cafétérias MORAVCOVA Magdalena (T)
Comité des activités Sociales (CAS) Elena Corina Opreana (S)
Commission paritaire commune (COPARCO) MIETZNER Carmen (S)

Central and Local Staff Committees (SC)

The Staff Committees represent the interests of the staff vis-à-vis the Institution and contributes to the smooth running of the service. They are the equivalent of 'Work Council', 'Comité du personnel' or 'Comité d'entreprise' of middle to large companies in the private sector.

European Works Councils are bodies representing the European employees of a company. Through them, workers are informed and consulted by management on the progress of the business and any significant decision at European level that could affect their employment or working conditions. Member States are to provide for the right to establish European Works Councils in companies or groups of companies with at least 1000 employees in the EU or EEA, when there are at least 150 employees in each of two Member States (see directive 2006/109/EC).


In the European Commission, the Staff Committees are an elected statutory body which represent all officials and other agents of the Commission vis-à-vis the Administration and the College of Commissioners to ensure that the rules established by the Commission as regards staff are fully respected. Their function is:


to represent the interests of the staff vis-à-vis the Institution,


to contribute to the smooth running of the service by delivering consultative opinion on general issues related to the interpretation and application of the Staff Regulations.

The role and the function of the Staff Committee is


to participate in the application of the rules and regulations implementing the staff policy as negotiated by the trade unions and professional organisations of the Commission in order to ensure they are in conformity with agreements reached.


to play a consultative or participative role in helping staff to resolve problems through a series of statutory and administrative committees.

To this effect, the Staff Committees :


designate staff representatives to either statutory or joint committees.


delegate a part of their competencies, as regards particular work requirements, to sectoral staff delegations.


will question the Administration on any deviations or erroneous interpretations of agreements.

Therefore, the role of the Staff Committees is central to the protection of Staff interests, both collective and individual. The representatives in the statutory or joint committees play a crucial role to ensure that rules are applied with fairness in litigious cases.


The Staff Committee consists of:


the Central Staff Committee (CSC),


8 Local Staff Committees (LSCs) situated in the 8 principle places of employment of staff - Brussels, Luxembourg, Ispra, Karlsruhe, Petten, Geel, France and "Outside the Union".

The staff in each principle place of employment elects the members of the LSC. The LSC members elect among themselves the members of the CSC.

The particular case of EU delegations

Composition of the CSC of the European Commission

Local Staff Committee Composition (full members + equivalent number of alternates) Delegation to the Central Staff Committee
Brussels 27 19 full members + 19 alternates
Luxemburg 20 7 full members + 7 alternates
Ispra - Sevilla 21 7 full members + 7 alternates
Karlsruhe 8 1 full members + 2 alternates
Geel 7 1 full members + 2 alternates
Petten 7 1 full members + 2 alternates
France 4 1 full members + 2 alternates
Outside Union 14 3 full members (with at least 1 official and 1 local agent) + 4 alternates

Assemblée générale statutaire des fonctionnaires

Article 1 of Annex II of the Staff Regulations defines the role and competences of the statutory GA which are the following:


To lay down the conditions for election to the local section, if the Staff Committee is organised in local sections (which is the case); and


To lay down the manner in which the members of the Central Committee are appointed for each place of employment.

As a result, the GA is competent for the adoption/modification of the electoral rules applicable for its place of employment.

Electoral process

In application of the current electoral rules, the main role of the GA is to appoint the members of the electoral office and set the date of the elections but in no case the duration of the mandate established by the Staff Regulations (three years) can be extended.

Duration of mandates

Article 1 of Annex II to the Staff Regulations provides: "The Staff Committee shall comprise the members thereof, together with their alternates if any, whose term of office shall be three years. The appointing authority of each institution may, however, decide to fix a shorter term of office, which may not be less than one year." As a result, if the duration mandate of Staff Committee members can be shortened by decision of the AIPN, it cannot be extended beyond 3 years.

It should be clarified that this is not an issue of rules being imposed by the Administration but pertains to the legal framework set by the Staff Regulations. In that regard, the very existence and competences granted to the GA are foreseen by the Staff Regulations which are a higher ranking legal norm than the electoral regulation and which binds the GA. The sovereignty of the GA is constrained by its competences as granted by the staff regulations.

The competence of the statutory GA in the context of electoral process is only to appoint the members of electoral office and set the elections date within the limits of the 3 years mandate established by the Staff Regulations.

Any motion which would consist in requesting the creation or deletion of a local section of the Staff Committee is outside the scope of competence of the GA as the decision on the organisation of the Staff Committee in local sections rests exclusively with the Administration. Such motions will have no legal and binding effect of any kind.


Can points not communicated to staff in advance be added to the agenda of the "Statutory General Assembly"? Additional points can be added to the agenda as long as they are communicated in advance to staff members. If they are added to the agenda during the meeting, such points should be approved by vote of the attendants. Yet, for these additional points to produce any "effet utile" they should fall within the scope of competences of the GA.

Linguistic regime

Is the General Assembly allowed to demand to apply a linguistic regime that is more restrictive than the one formally in place (use of EN, FR, DE as working languages)? How should the languages of the hosting country where the local section is located, be treated? Article 342 TFUE provides that "[t]he rules governing the languages of the institutions of the Union shall, without prejudice to the provisions contained in the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union, be determined by the Council, acting unanimously by means of regulations".

Pursuant to Article 342 TFEU, Regulation No 1 determining the languages to be used by the EEC (OJ 17, 6.10.1958, p. 385) was adopted. It derives therefrom that the working languages of the Commission are the same as the EU official languages [i.e. the 24 languages]. Yet, for historical reasons, EN DE FR are the only working languages used in practice within the Commission. In addition, only the EU institutions are competent to stipulate in their rules of procedure which of the languages are to be used in specific cases, the General Assembly has no competence in that regard.

It follows from these considerations that the General Assembly cannot apply a restrictive linguistic regime to participating staff members. As a result, staff members can choose to express themselves for example in FR, DE, EN, ES or IT. Any restrictive linguistic regime could infringe the freedom of expression of the attendants.

Nonetheless, it should also be borne in mind that DG SCIC does not provide interpretation for internal meetings and staff members should be informed that no interpretation will be ensured during the General Assembly. Depending on the chosen language they will have to run the risk of not being understood by a majority of participants.

Equality of participants

Is it acceptable that members of Trade Unions may benefit of longer time for their interventions compared to other staff? The Chairman of the General Assembly, i.e. the president of the local section of the staff committee, is responsible for policing the discussions and votes. In accordance with article 1 of Annex II to the Staff Regulations, (i) every official of the institution shall be entitled to vote and stand for election (as well as other servants under the conditions set in article 7 of the CEOS) and (ii) the General Assembly is constituted of the officials and other agents of the Institution in service at the relevant place of employment. Therefore, granting longer times of intervention to members of the OSP in comparison to other staff members could indeed give rise to accusations of unequal treatment. As a consequence each attendant can take the floor during an equal time slot defined by the chair of the GA.

Participants from other places of employment

Is staff not belonging to the local section allowed to take the floor during the GA? The Chairman of the GA can give the floor to staff members who are not employed in the local section, but should make sure that such staff members do not vote as it would violate the Staff Regulations.

NB. This article is about the 'Statutory General Assemblies'. OSP can also call for 'General Meetings' (Assemblées générales) with a view to consulting the Staff or deciding industrial actions.

Social dialog - Dialogue social

Comment avancer aujourd’hui en matière de dialogue social ?

La Commission européenne, pour fonctionner au service de la société, a besoin d’un intense et permanent dialogue social à tous les niveaux. Pour ce faire, suite à notre première réunion à ce sujet, je propose très brièvement à une réflexion commune, en complément et en écho de ce qui a été dit par mes collègues des autres organisations syndicales, les pistes suivantes :


1°)  Rétablir tout d’abord rapidement la confiance, par  la prise des mesures immédiates : a) permettre au CPPT de fonctionner à nouveau et pour ce faire  répondre positivement à la demande faites par les syndicats, b) convoquer les réunion de tous les comités paritaires, faire parvenir, sauf grande urgence, les documents nécessaires au dialogue syndical au moins 10 à  15 jours à l’avance, pour leur permettre de consulter le personnel et leurs instances c) fournir aux syndicats les données statistiques nécessaires à leur information, et à leur prise de position d) informer au moins systématiquement les syndicats du sort réservé à leurs demandes, leur répondre e) informer systématiquement au moins sur l’activité de l’institution avant l’annonce publique par elle  de sa position, cas par exemple des discussions budgétaires etc.


2°) Rendre ensuite  plus aisé le fonctionnement du dialogue social : a) Assurer une planification bi annuelle des thèmes du dialogue social, planification alimentée par des envois  des documents nécessaires à la tenue correcte de ce dialogue, b) garantir un droit de saisine pour les syndicats sur les thèmes d’importance pour eux pour le dialogue social c) prendre davantage en compte leurs propositions, en cas de perspectives communes etc.


3°) Améliorer par la suite le  dialogue social :  a) établir des modalités de réflexion commune avant la prise des décisions b) élargir les domaines du dialogue social c) impulser des modalités de consultations décentralisées


4°) Réfléchir enfin  ensemble à une réforme de la représentation du personnel syndicale, statutaire, paritaire : plusieurs propositions existent à ce sujet pouvant faire l’objet d’une position commune.



Réforme de la représentation du personnel : rien ne bouge

La Commission avait offert l’opportunité d’améliorer le fonctionnement de la représentation du personnel. Pour l’instant, la représentation du personnel, les syndicats, n’ont pas su encore saisir cette chance.

Il était en effet urgent d’améliorer les choses pour, par exemple :


donner l’occasion à chaque lieu de travail d’avoir un comité local, Séville n’en a pas ;


permettre que chaque lieu ait le même poids au comité central, le Hors union est sous représenté, Luxembourg et les sites du CCR surreprésentés ;


assurer l’égalité de traitement entre listes syndicales, certaines participant aux élections sous différents noms, ce qui leur donne un avantage par rapport aux organisations qui ne se présentent, comme c’est normal, qu’avec une seule liste ;


élire en même temps le comité central du personnel et ses comités locaux : aujourd’hui 7 mois après les élections par exemple la constitution des instances du comité central n’est pas achevée, voire risque d’être remise en cause par les élections du comité local du personnel de Luxembourg qui est élu en novembre prochain.

La réforme de la représentation du personnel est nécessaire, même si elle remet en cause des situations acquises ou des avantages. Elle est nécessaire pour permettre le personnel d’être mieux représenté et assumer les nouveaux défis lorsque les états membres voudront mettre en cause le Statut. Les plus grandes craintes sont permises à ce niveau puisque même certaines listes aux élections européennes de Mai 2019, considérées comme européennes, proposent de remettre en cause la fonction publique européenne.

Seule l’unité du personnel et le renforcement de sa représentation du personnel pourront s’y opposer efficacement.


Reform of the staff representation: nothing moves

The Commission had offered the opportunity to improve the functioning of the staff representation. For now, the staff representation, the unions, have not yet seized this opportunity.

It was indeed urgent to improve things for, for example:


give the opportunity to each workplace to have a local committee, Seville does not;


to allow each location to have the same weight in the central committee, the Outside Union is under-represented, Luxembourg and the JRC sites overrepresented;


ensure equality of treatment between union lists, some of whom participate in the elections under different names, which gives them an advantage over organizations which, as is normal, only appear with one list;


elect at the same time the central staff committee and its local committees: today, 7 months after the elections, for example, the constitution of the central committee's organs is not completed, or even risks being called into question by the elections of the staff local committee of Luxembourg, which is due to be elected next November.

The reform of staff representation is necessary, even if it calls into question acquired situations or advantages. It is necessary to enable staff to be better represented and to take on new challenges when member states want to challenge the Staff Regulations. The greatest fears are allowed at this level since even some lists in the European elections of May 2019, considered as European, propose to question the European civil service.

Only staff unity and the strengthening of its staff representation will be able to oppose it effectively.

Améliorons la représentation du personnel à la Commission.

Des négociations sont en cours à ce sujet. Si celles-ci aboutissent la représentation du personnel et le dialogue social en sortiront renforcés.

U4U opte pour un comité unique du personnel de toute la Commission élu en même temps que ses sections locales, avec les mêmes règles électorales: nous préconisons la proportionnelle. Ces élections sont organisées sur base de collèges électoraux représentant les différents lieux de travail. Il faut aussi que des lieux de travail soient représentés, par exemple Séville qui ne l'est pas aujourd'hui. Des rééquilibrages entre lieux seront aussi nécessaires. Ainsi Bruxelles devra être mieux représenté.

Cela permettra que le comité du personnel se mette tout de suite au travail ce qui n'est pas le cas avec le système actuel. Pour information, notons que trois mois après les dernières élections aux comités du personnel de Bruxelles et du Hors Union, ni la mise en place complète du comité local de Bruxelles, ni celui du Hors Union, ni la mise en place de l'équipe du Comité central du personnel, constitué à partir des différents comités locaux, n'est terminée.

Ce changement que nous proposons est nécessaire pour que les choses fonctionnent correctement.

Let’s improve staff representation at the Commission.

Negotiations on this subject are in progress. If they are successful, staff representation and social dialogue will come out stronger.

U4U opts for a single staff committee for the entire Commission elected at the same time as its local sections, with the same electoral rules: we recommend the proportional system. These elections are organised on the basis of electoral colleges representing the different workplaces. It is also necessary for these workplaces to be represented, as in the case of Seville, which is not presently represented. Some rebalancing between locations will also be required. Brussels will therefore need to be better represented.

This will enable the staff committee to start work immediately, which is not the case with the current system. For information purposes, it should be noted that three months after the last elections for the Brussels and non-EU staff committees, neither the Brussels nor the non-EU staff committees had been fully established, nor had the Central Staff Committee team, made up of members of different local committees.

The changes we have proposed are necessary for things to function correctly.

Fevrier 2019

Demande de repousser la date des élections et réponse négative de la DG HR (Fev 2018)

Note de travail : Propositions de U4U sur la réforme de la représentation du personnel (Fev 2018)

The DG HR of the European Commission wants to review how the social dialog is conducted. In a note addressed to all trade-unions, DG HR calls for ideas and contributions with a view to opening a formal concertation (Nov 2017)

This document answers staff representation's request to revise the current rules for the social dialogue within the Commission.

This invitation to reshuffle this dialogue is a unique opportunity to improve the functioning of the staff representatives and to provide each site such as SEVILLE with its own local staff committee, to synchronise staff committees elections, etc.

In that context, it is important to allow the positive outcomes of the negotiation with DG HR being implemented as from 2018. Any delay would lead to no change before long.


Ce document envoyé par l'unité "dialogue social" de la DG HR, répond aux différentes demandes de la représentation du personnel, nous invite à revisiter les 4 textes majeurs qui organisent le dialogue social à la Commission.

Cette invitation au dialogue fournit une occasion unique pour améliorer notre fonctionnement de représentants du personnel, permettre à tous les lieux de travail – comme SEVILLE – d'avoir enfin leur propre comité, de synchroniser les rythmes électoraux, etc.

Il est important de permettre que les résultats positifs de ce dialogue social puissent entrer dans les faits dès 2018. Ne renvoyons pas aux calendes grecques des changements demandés par la représentation du personnel.


Trade Unions and Staff Associations (OSPs)

The central function of a trade union is to represent people at work and to protect their interests.

The existence of strong and recognized trade unions is a pre-requisite to industrial peace. Decisions taken through the process of collective bargaining and negotiations between employer and unions are more influential. Trade unions are helpful in effective communication between the workers and the management. They provide the advice and support to ensure that the differences of opinion do not turn into major conflicts. They also play an important educational role, organizing courses for their members on a wide range of matters. Seeking a healthy and safe working environment is also prominent feature of union activity.

Role of a Trade Union

Trade unions are organisations that represent people at work. Their purpose is to protect and improve people's pay and conditions of employment. They also campaign for rules and policies which will benefit working people.

Trade unions exist because an individual worker has very little power to influence decisions that are made about his or her job. By joining together with other workers, there is more chance of having a voice and influence.

Trade unions aim to further its members' interests, inter alia by :


Negotiating employment conditions and job descriptions


Obtaining satisfactory rates of pay and correct career perspectives


Protecting or improving working conditions, such as health and safety and equal opportunities


Protecting workers jobs and employment


Protecting individuals, if there is a problem at work


Securing adequate work facilities

Most "collective bargaining" takes place quietly and agreements are eventually reached by the union and the employer. Occasionally disagreements do occur and the two sides cannot agree. In these cases, the union may decide to take industrial action. Industrial action takes different forms: it could mean an over time ban, a work-to-rule or a strike...

Role in the European Commission

The Trade Unions defend the general interest of the staff of the Institution. They maintain stable and structured relations with the Administration, even though they are not statutory organs.

The Agreement on Relations between the European Commission and the Trade Unions and Staff Associations ("Framework Agreement") defines that social dialogue may relate to any matters relating to staff policy and the working conditions of officials and other servants.

However concertation procedures can only apply to a modification of the existing rules or a creation of new rules, without prejudice to the statutory competences of the Staff Committee. Concertations may be held on administrative (with the Director of the relevant services), technical (with DG HR) and political (with the Commissionner in charge of HR) levels.

U4U is a general union that represents staff from several Institutions belonging to the European Union or being considered as European intergovernmental organisations.

Why should you join a Trade Union and this one in particular ?

Unions are made up of the people who want to have their voice heard, their interests promoted, their claims presented to the employer. If you stay out, you will have no or little influence.

Unions are effective. Of course, they cannot completely reverse a political trend that results from general elections. But they often can limit the adverse effects of policies and negotiate changes to a project. The capacity of unions to resist and negotiate is a direct result of the volume of their membership and influence in social elections. In other words, the strength of a Union comes from its members and no other source.

U4U is an organisation that is non-bureaucratic, assertive, creative and full of fighting spirit. Contrary to some other unions, you can easily participate to shaping our policies and elaborating our claims. All you have to do is to turn in our internal meetings (see invitations on the home page of this website) and become an active member.

Not all trade unions are the same.
Make your own judgment. If you want to know us better before joining, please read our press. Thus, you will have a good view on who we are, what we are fighting for and what are our achievements.

U4U :


is defending a European construction that serves citizens


is active all the time and do not only wake up at election time.


defends all staff (Civil Servants and contractual agents, AD and AST grades, pre- and post-2004 staff) (Particular case of Staff in the Agencies)


builds unity, promotes a united front and common actions


knows the issues and makes proposals that are well constructed and argued. Therefore U4U is recognised as a valid negotiation partner.

Do you need more information ? Try our Frequently Asked Questions

See our slide presentation Yes, I want to get unionized now

Further reading : yes, Trade Unions are good for the economy !

Trade unions recognise that organisations must be competitive in the global markets if they are to be successful and provide secure employment for employees.

Trade unions have an important role in:

bulletimproving communication between employees and managers so that employees can understand and be committed to the organisation's objectives
bulletnegotiating improvements to pay and working conditions so that people feel more satisfaction at work and stay longer in their jobs
bulletencouraging companies to invest in training and development so that employees have the skills necessary for improved products and services
bulletacting as a positive force for change - by winning employees' support to the introduction of new technologies and work organisation

Europe's most successful companies are ones where unions are recognised. Mutatis mutandis, this applies to the European Institutions. They also rely on their staff for reaching their objectives. They also constantly need to adapt to a changing environment. They also need their Unions.

U4U is a constructive partner, committed to a socially responsible European Union.

Voir dans Graspe n°10 un texte qui a influencé la réflexion aboutissant à la création de U4U : La représentation du personnel en question.
Les n°10 et 11 de cette revue contiennent d'autres articles éclairants sur le même sujet.

Further reading : Who is the boss ?

In a private company, employees know who is the boss. But in a European institution ? The hierarchy, the HR administration, the appointing authority, the head of the institution, the legislator and, down the line, the Council, which is formed of Member States, all have a decisive power on our Staff Regulations and their implementing regulations, on the budget (which defines available posts and missions), on day-to-day decisions such as restructuring, mobility, promotions, continuation or discontinuation of contracts…

To complicate matters, the Commission is the primus inter pares which shapes by its own decisions the HR policy of other institutions and Agencies.

Of course, this complex structure is used by the employer to divide and rule.

This is why it is very important for a European trade-Union to be a general Union, able to be present in all institutions, in order to maintain unity in the social dialogue and to speak with one voice to all stakeholders.

Unfortunately, the staff is sometimes seduced by Unions who are present in one structure only. These in-house Unions claim to be closer to the staff and to be more familiar with the local situation. However, in truth, they are instrumental in the employers’ divide et impera policy. They are not effective negotiators because they lack access to the ‘big picture’. In the European Institutions ; the huge number of small Trade Unions is a major weakness that the Staff pays dearly.



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