Epso competitions : training for EU knowledge MCQ
Epso competitions : training for EU knowledge MCQ Subscribe
Epso competitions : training for EU knowledge MCQ Subscribe
Preparation for the oral test (AD5 & AD6) Prepare for these tests and multiply your chance of success to the competition. Register quickly as places are limited! Subscribe
We call for the mobilisation of all staff to show our solidarity with our colleagues in the agencies who must be treated with dignity and respect. Let's all gather at the Berlaymont on Tuesday 6 June 2023 from 12.30 to 13.30! Download full text (pdf)
Most of us find this topic daunting, yet it concerns us all to varying degrees. The taxation of expatriates or those with cross-border assets is complex and constantly evolving. U4U offers a series of lectures in French and English to explain the key principles of Belgian taxation. Two renowned experts will give an overview of…
Danièle Linhart is a French sociologist and emeritus director of research at the CNRS. Her work focuses on the evolution of work and its place in our society. In particular, she has conducted research into the modernisation of companies and managerial strategies. On Tuesday 19 September at 12.45pm, Ms Linhart will be giving a talk…
Second conference on 22 September: we will be welcoming Professor Paul Avan, Director of the Centre for Research and Innovation in Human Audiology at the Institut Pasteur. He and his team are working to gain a better understanding of hearing impairment, with a view to developing personalised medicine. He will be presenting the latest scientific…
Third conference on 04 October: we will be welcoming Christian Hugonnet, an acoustics engineer who has done a great deal to raise public awareness of the role of sound in our lives, notably by creating the Semaine du Son, a programme of international conferences to raise awareness of this issue. He will be addressing the…
The next DG RTD/EU Staff for Climate Knowledge for Sustainability Talk on "How could post-colonialism and euro-centrism undermine the response to the planetary emergency" takes places on Friday 13 October 14-16h CET (Online via Webex). If you find it interesting please click below link and register through EU Learn https://eulearn.europa.eu/ilp/pages/description.jsf#/users/@self/courses/74419435/description?runningLanguage=en-GB External guests can register directly…
UEF Groupe Europe & GRASPE have the pleasure to invite you to a debate with Jean Charles LEYGUES, former Director Gal Regional policy, European Commission Catherine VIEILLEDENT, moderator EU Conditionality, Technical or political weapon? Monday 23 October 2023, 18:30, Press Club, rue Froissart, Brussels Conditionality is nothing new in the EU and takes a…
With us : Claudia SENIK, Professor at Sorbonne University and the Paris School of Economics (PSE). Claudia Senik is Director of the Observatoire du bien-être, and a member of the Institut Universitaire de France. Her work focuses on the economics of subjective well-being, and in particular on the link between income, growth, inequality and happiness.…