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European Court of Auditors

A strong team to defend you within U4U

A strong team to defend you in the Staff Committee !

At the end of this month, you will be invited to choose your representatives in the staff committee.

In this context, Union for Unity (U4U) presents 4 candidates sharing the same values ​​and the same program.

Voting for our candidates ensures that you are represented by colleagues who fight together for you and who can also count on the support of a trade union present in all workplaces of the European Institutions.

Our priorities for the Court of Auditors are the following:

  • We are in favour of maintaining the existing arrangements for teleworking and hybrid work, and we oppose any form of reduction in opportunities in this area;
  • We want more transparency and equal treatment in promotion and recruitment procedures. We want better control of the rules of permanence for promotion present in the Annex I.B of the Staff regulations;
  • We are for a housing allowance of at least 1000 euros per month being granted to all colleagues who live in Luxembourg, regardless of their status or grade;
  • We are in favour of an urgent revision of the ceilings for hotels and per diems laid down in the decision on missions, in order to take account of the real prices prevailing in the countries concerned;
  • We are for a structural and lasting solution to the issue of medical costs in Luxembourg;
  • We are in favour of taking better account of the problems linked to mobility in Luxembourg. We are against restrictive approaches based on a reduction in parking spaces but call for incentive measures, such as the introduction of “a bonus” for carpooling, or a possible home-office shuttle service for staff who have to travel more than 30 minutes to and from work when a “critical” mass of commuters is reached by region, etc.;
  • We oppose any reopening of the Staff Regulations, which could only lead to a deterioration of our employment and working conditions;
  • We oppose the replacement of individual offices by “open spaces”.

We count on you to support us, just as you can count on us to defend you in the years to come.

Your candidates

Pics oàf candidates
Your candidates 25/06/2024

U4U principles & values: U4U, union for unity

  1. U4U is a union that puts staff participation at the centre of its work and is therefore an active union throughout the year. We always act in a constructive spirit and in full transparency. Staff are kept informed of our texts, proposals and results (monthly newspaper “The Link“, website), and can come and discuss them at our conferences.
  • European construction is at the heart of our raison d’être. We clearly link our trade union action to the future of the European project. Through the regular publication of the GRASPE magazine, regular training courses and seminars on issues of European interest and the documented elaboration of constructive proposals, we act permanently in the interest of the European project.
  • Unity makes us stronger. We are fighting for the unity of the staff, to create solidarity between all its categories, its professions, all “generations” combined.
  • We work for an active and participatory management of staff careers, which promotes a common European culture of solidarity and respect for diversity. The administration must resist the temptation to do more with less, respect each of our professions and recognise the quality of our work.
  • We do not limit our action to the defence of pay, promotion or pension conditions. We do not only accompany you in all the steps for which you may need effective support. We look after all our working conditions and always oppose the opening up of our Staff Regulations, which would risk leading, as always, to unfavourable reforms on all aspects of staff working conditions.
  • For our children in crèches, nurseries and European schools, we advocate quality educational provision for all, with sufficient resources for its implementation. 
  • We demand an improvement in staff representation and a strong resumption of social dialogue. The themes of social dialogue must be broadened, and this dialogue must be made possible at all levels of the institution, in all DGs and services, as close as possible to colleagues. 
  • For a fair and equal treatment: we are fighting for equal treatment between different categories of staff and between colleagues working at different sites.
  • The strength of our union commitment is also explained by taking responsibility within the U4U team based on commitment, team spirit and merit disconnected from any administrative reference to status (CA, TA, civil servant, ASN) and grades (AST-SC, AST, AD, FG).
