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EPSO Training

Places are only guaranteed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Course registrations will be refunded if :
– it is refused due to lack of places ;
– the applicant cancels his/her enrolment by e-mail ( at least ten days before the start of the chosen session;
– no-shows are not eligible for a refund.

INSP, our training partner

The INSP, created on 1 January 2022, is the French public operator of reference for the recruitment, initial training and continuing education of the State’s senior and executive managers. It also specialises in preparation for EU competitive examinations for many years.

New trainings

U4U is co-organising new training sessions with our partner INSP (ex-ENA). They are announced by e-mails sent to everybody. If you don’t receive them, please subscribe free of charge to our mailing lists.

The courses are exclusively for U4U members. If you are not yet a member, please complete our membership form.

OBJECTIVESOur online training course dedicated to the test on knowledge about EU policies and institutions aims to get candidates enrolled to the European Commission’s AD current internal and forthcoming external competitions prepared for this preselection test.
WHAT IS OFFEREDThe training course comprises five modules:
Module 1 sets out the purpose of the EU knowledge MCQ test, presents its format and specifies the expectations of the jury; it also provides candidates with methodological tips.

Module 2 lists the factual knowledge candidates need to master for this test and provides them with reading tips.

Module 3 completes module 2 by providing an overview of the history and institutions of the EU.

Module 4 proposes 4 MCQ (50 questions each) on the factual knowledge about the EU history, decision-making processes and institutions, as well as EU policies (200 questions as a total); detailed corrections and external links are provided to help candidates deepening the answers. The questions asked are updated, of an intermediate level, with 30 “recurring” questions and 20 advanced questions.

Module 5 proposes 5 mock exams comprising 50 questions each (n°1 to 5, i.e. 250 questions in total). These mock exams will have to be completed within the limited time required (75 minutes). They are of an advanced level of difficulty, and will mainly focus on EU policies and initiatives. They include 20 “recurring” questions and 30 advanced questions in EU policies, in order to reflect what candidates from previous editions of the EC’s internal competition have experienced last year.

Learners are encouraged to take their time to consult the links provided with each question, and to read the detailed corrections, instead of taking the MCQ all at once.
FOR WHOMThe Online Self-Learning Course are exclusively reserved for U4U members.
Should you need to join, please register here
AVAILABILITYIt is an Online Self-Learning Course formula available in English or in French.
HOW DO I REGISTERSend an email to with the proof of payment attached and indicating the email you will use to connect to the training.
PAYMENTThe access to the Online Self-Learning Course for 3 months costs 130 euros and needs to be paid to the U4U account:
IBAN: BE39 0016 3506 3019
REF: Online Self-Learning Course + Your name + your institution
CONFIRMATIONOnce you have received confirmation, it will be the INSP who will send you the information for the access.
LOOK FOR MORE INFOHave a look on our FAQs:
Frequently asked questions on training – Union for Unity (

OBJECTIVESOur online training course dedicated to the test on knowledge about EU policies and institutions aims to get candidates enrolled to the European Commission’s AD current internal and forthcoming external competitions prepared for this preselection test.
WHAT IS OFFEREDThe training course comprises five modules:
Module 1 sets out the purpose of the EU knowledge MCQ test, presents its format and specifies the expectations of the jury; it also provides candidates with methodological tips.

Module 2 lists the factual knowledge candidates need to master for this test and provides them with reading tips.

Module 3 completes module 2 by providing an overview of the history and institutions of the EU.

Module 4 proposes 4 MCQ (40 questions each) on the factual knowledge about the EU history, decision-making processes and institutions, as well as EU policies (quizzes A, B, C and D, 160 questions as a total); detailed corrections and external links are provided to help candidates deepening the answers.

Module 5 proposes 2 mock exams comprising 40 questions each (80 questions in total). They are of an advanced level of difficulty, and will mainly focus on EU policies and initiatives ; detailed corrections and external links are provided to help candidates deepening the answers.

Learners are encouraged to take their time to consult the links provided with each question, and to read the detailed corrections, instead of taking the MCQ all at once.
FOR WHOMThe Online Self-Learning Course are exclusively reserved for U4U members.
Should you need to join, please register here
AVAILABILITYIt is an Online Self-Learning Course formula available in English or in French.
HOW DO I REGISTERSend an email to with the proof of payment attached and indicating the email you will use to connect to the training.
PAYMENTThe access to the Online Self-Learning Course for 3 months costs 130 euros and needs to be paid to the U4U account:
IBAN: BE39 0016 3506 3019
REF: Online Self-Learning Course + Your name + your institution
CONFIRMATIONOnce you have received confirmation, it will be the INSP who will send you the information for the access.
LOOK FOR MORE INFOHave a look on our FAQs:
Frequently asked questions on training – Union for Unity (

OBJECTIVESOur online training course dedicated to the test on knowledge about EU policies and institutions aims to get candidates enrolled to the European Commission’s AD current internal and forthcoming external competitions prepared for this preselection test.
WHAT IS OFFEREDThe training course comprises two modules and series of MCQ:
Module 1 sets out the purpose of the EU knowledge MCQ test, presents its format and the different types of questions likely to come across; it also provides candidates with methodological tips.

Module 2 Offers an overview of the history and institutions of the EU, through interactive content.

Series of MCQ propose 20 MCQs of 30 questions (600 questions as a total) on the factual knowledge about the EU history, decision-making processes and institutions, as well as EU policies. Each answer gives a detailed explanation ; detailed corrections and external links are provided to help candidates deepening the answers.

Learners are encouraged to take their time to consult the links provided with each question, and to read the detailed corrections, instead of taking the MCQ all at once.
FOR WHOMThe Online Self-Learning Course are exclusively reserved for U4U members.
Should you need to join, please register here
AVAILABILITYIt is an Online Self-Learning Course formula available in English or in French.
HOW DO I REGISTERSend an email to with the proof of payment attached and indicating the email you will use to connect to the training.
PAYMENTThe access to the Online Self-Learning Course for 3 months costs 130 euros and needs to be paid to the U4U account:
IBAN: BE39 0016 3506 3019
REF: Online Self-Learning Course + Your name + your institution
CONFIRMATIONOnce you have received confirmation, it will be the INSP who will send you the information for the access.
LOOK FOR MORE INFOHave a look on our FAQs:
Frequently asked questions on training – Union for Unity (

Do not do this :

  • Do not write to U4U to ask if there is space before you register. You simply risk someone else registering before you. If your registration is rejected due to lack of space, you will of course be refunded.
  • Do not wait for confirmation of your membership to register – if you have just joined to register for a course, register for the course straight away to secure your place.
  • Do not pay your membership fee twice. If you have just completed your membership form with your IBAN, you will be debited in due course. So do not pay the membership fee twice by bank transfer (if this happens, however, you can be reimbursed).

Regarding on-line training :

It is essential for the quality of the course that your camera is switched on and running. The trainer needs to see you to assess your reactions. In principle, your camera should always be active during the course, unless otherwise instructed by the trainer, who may sometimes limit the use of the camera to specific interactions with you.

Refusing to activate the camera at the request of the trainer may lead to your expulsion from the course, without the possibility of a refund.


Here are the training courses previously offered.

Interested by coaching sessions ?

The coaching sessions do not prepare you for the pre-selection tests for external or internal competitions. You can prepare with our coach for the oral presentation on EU policies, the structured interview based on general skills, the interview based on situational skills and the specific 90-minute case study. For more information