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Latest Past Events

How could post-colonialism and euro-centrism undermine the response to the planetary emergency

The next DG RTD/EU Staff for Climate Knowledge for Sustainability Talk on "How could post-colonialism and euro-centrism undermine the response to the planetary emergency" takes places on Friday 13 October 14-16h CET (Online via Webex). If you find it interesting please click below link and register through EU Learn External guests can register directly… 

Cycle of conferences Sound and Health: The challenge of sound in our online meetings

Third conference on 04 October: we will be welcoming Christian Hugonnet, an acoustics engineer who has done a great deal to raise public awareness of the role of sound in our lives, notably by creating the Semaine du Son, a programme of international conferences to raise awareness of this issue. He will be addressing the… 

Cycle of conferences Sound and Health: The challenge of sound in our online meetings

Second conference on 22 September: we will be welcoming Professor Paul Avan, Director of the Centre for Research and Innovation in Human Audiology at the Institut Pasteur. He and his team are working to gain a better understanding of hearing impairment, with a view to developing personalised medicine. He will be presenting the latest scientific…