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Ispra – Séville

Elections of the Staff Committee at Ispra / Seville

Thanks and first lessons learned 

The Staff Committee elections in Ispra / Seville have just been completed.

Many of you have placed your trust in us.

You were receptive to our approach and our proposals, and we thank you very much for that.

Our list received almost 15% of your votes and enabled us to elect two of our candidate couples. We also managed to get one pair sent to the Commission’s Central Staff Committee.

In addition to our cooperation in Ispra and Seville, ISCA and U4U, together with USHU (Unité Syndicale Hors Union), are now part of the Regroupement Syndical, an organisation present in all the workplaces of the European institutions. This makes us stronger to push forward our agenda.

The joint presentation of candidates in Ispra and Seville was an opportunity for us to promote our ideas.

For the most part:

– During the social dialogue for contract agents (CAs) in Seville (2/3 of the staff) and Ispra (almost half of the staff), we defended the concrete possibility of having more positive careers and better integration opportunities as civil servants, thanks to the transition from CAs to temporary agents (TAs) and thanks to the annual organisation of competitions for permanent posts;

– We defended the need for Seville to be considered as a seat in its own right, with the services that go with it;

– We defended the “health card” and supported its introduction for all Ispra staff who met the conditions. Unfortunately, the negotiations between the administration and the Italian authorities focused on the introduction of a limited and punitive system (“health card with an asterisk”). We are therefore continuing our fight for full health rights for the staff concerned;

– We defended greater mobility opportunities for employees;

– We defended the need for a more ambitious European budget for the next 7 years.

After the elections, the fight continues. ISCA and U4U will remain united at your side to defend a strong, independent and permanent European civil service.

U4U – Agreement with ISCA for the defence of JRC staff  

U4U is pleased to confirm a trade union cooperation agreement with ISCA. This alliance aims to strengthen the defence of workers, in particular contract agents (CAs), whose situation is becoming increasingly precarious within the European institutions. ISCA has also joined the “Rassemblement syndical”, which also includes U4U and USHU.

We share a common vision with ISCA, particularly on the need to improve the working conditions and careers of CAs, who now represent a significant proportion of the staff, while combating inequality. Despite their essential contribution, contract staff often face limited career prospects, inadequate social rights and chronic job instability. We are also committed to defending quality health care.

By joining forces, we are committed to bringing our demands to the European level and to advocating for concrete measures that offer prospects for development and stability, in particular through the introduction of transparent and fair career paths.

ISCA and U4U will jointly participate in the ISPRA/Seville staff elections.

We invite all workers to join this movement to defend their rights and build a fairer future together.

Pro elections Ispra-Séville in 2021

U4U and FFPE together again for the elections in Ispra

U4U and the FFPE are once again presenting a joint list for the elections of the Commission’s Staff Committee in Ispra. Hereafter, a summary of their programme.

Pro elections Ispra-Séville in may 2018

Results :

24th May marked the last day of the extended electoral period. 1406 electors had cast their vote. The quorum of 1357 votes was reached.

Official tally on Wednesday 30.05.2018.

The list

PDF version

 Full MemberAlternate Member

The programme

PDF version

Any comment or other proposal ? please contact one of our candidates.