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Your self-assessment 2024, with us! Preparatory meeting – Q&A

January 10 @ 12h45 - 14h00

We would also like to encourage everyone to start compiling the elements for your 2024 self-assessment report now. This is especially true for those who have sufficient seniority in their grade, whether they are officials (1) or contract staff (2).

For those who will not have reached the required level of seniority in 2023, a simple button in Sysper will allow you to renew your self-assessment from the previous year. However, we advise you to avoid this renewal as much as possible and to write your self-assessment to include all the new and useful elements each year.

Bear in mind that it’s best to keep your appraisal report at a good quality level, as previous years’ reports may be examined by both the DG and the staff representatives during promotion discussions by the DG and for any subsequent appeal against promotion.

Why gather the information for your self-assessment report as you go along?
To anticipate and manage your career wisely.

At the beginning of January 2024, when you return from your year-end holidays, your self-assessment will be open and you will have 8 working days to write it, while you are likely to have a full email inbox and several tasks to complete at the same time.

Despite this short notice, take the time to gather evidence of your skills and professional achievements.
Finally, give yourself time to write a draft of your self-assessment.

In general, it would be a good idea to keep a personal record of these facts throughout the year, so that you have useful arguments to support your self-evaluation.

On this basis, we will be able to assist you all the more if you want an informed opinion on your draft self- assessment via

If you value our work, please consider becoming a member of U4U.


We look forward to seeing you at the information and preparation meeting.

The conference is in French, although questions may be asked in English.

Link to the online conference :




January 10
12h45 - 14h00