The JRC in Petten (NL): The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission’s science and knowledge service which employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support to EU policy.
Elections 2019 for the Local Staff Committee
U4U presents : Agim Islamaj and Giovanni Placci as candidates to the Petten LSC.

Vote : Tuesday 12 November from 9:00 to 15:00. Polling station : building 308 room 201.
U4U programme for PETTEN Staff Committee elections
U4U (Union for Unity) is a trade union that is already established at several European Union sites, agencies and institutions.
U4U fights for staff unity, regardless of their category or generation. We oppose the reopening of the statute that will result in new budget cuts, as the 2004 and 2014 reforms have sufficiently demonstrated, but at the same time, we are making proposals in the context of the current statute to improve the daily lives of staff. U4U is working for the establishment of active and participatory management of staff careers. We are fighting for a sufficient number of European schools, and the improved availability of education. We are also making concrete proposals to improve staff representation and therefore better defend the European civil service.
We are establishing a strong link between the pursuit of the building of Europe construction and trade union action. We are part of a European and citizen-based approach: we support the European debate (European Citizen Platform, Europe solidarity) and we invite reflection on this subject (Graspe).
More specifically, our U4U candidates for the PETTEN Staff Committee elections are committed to defending the following approach:
1. Maintaining and developing the attractiveness of the PETTEN site: we plan to ask the JRC administration to enter into contracts with local lessors, so as to make it easier for new colleagues to find accommodation.
2. Defending and reinforcing the current European School to allow PETTEN site staff to have their children educated in their native language. We will also defend sufficient budgetary resources to enable high-quality education for our children.
3. Promoting PETTEN’s social policy: we wish to propose to the administration the development of a hub equipped with a library, computers, games and a café in order to create a feeling of togetherness for the staff at the Centre. It is equally important to us to ensure value for money in the canteen, with nutritious meals to maintain staff health. We also hope to develop the gym.
4. Promoting a policy for contract agents: we support a policy for contract agents. It must have several components: internal competitions every two years, opportunities for higher reclassification (promotion), changes of function group as the Commission has done in Luxembourg, and finally, temporary staff contracts, giving access to internal competition with a larger number of candidates.
5. Prioritising the mobility of PETTEN staff and their careers: there have been difficulties regarding PETTEN staff mobility, both within the JRC and towards other DGs. We hope to put measures in place to enable PETTEN staff to benefit from opportunities for flexibility where necessary.
6. Ensuring promotions for staff assigned to the PETTEN site: we propose the establishment of a Help Desk for promotions so as to allow a fairer distribution of promotion opportunities at the PETTEN site.
7. Supporting colleagues at the time of their evaluation: we will set up a U4U Help Desk to assist colleagues with their evaluation exercise, or even with individual appeals.
8. Fighting the lack of Senior Assistant and Senior Expert positions. Similarly, it is important to negotiate more certification opportunities.
If you agree with our proposals, please vote for Agim ISLAMAJ (holder) and Giovanni PLACCI (substitute).
09/10/2019 PDF version
What is the position regarding European School?
U4U asks that the budget for the European Schools be reinforced in the future MFF. U4U considers that the European Schools must constitute a model of education to all Member States. Moreover, European schools are very important for the expats community who need to ensure the schooling of their children in the mother tongue.
What is the position about staff reductions?
U4U opposed staff reductions in 2013 (2014-2020 budget), while the workload is increasing. Since the last reform and in the perspective of the upcoming negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework, U4U is asking for an increase in staff to deal with new tasks (climate change, migration, etc.). The budget must enable the Commission to implement the political priorities of the Union it has set itself in conjunction with the Member States and the European Parliament.
What is your position in salary adjustments?
U4U considers that the remuneration adjustment mechanism in place today is working properly. We recall that apart from promotions (average 4 years) and steps (every two years), the adaptation is on average 2% per year. However, the remuneration freeze for 5 years (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014) has resulted in a loss of about 12% of purchasing power and substantial savings for the Commission.
What is your position in career capping?
The limitation of careers by the revision of the Staff Regulations in 2014 is a bad measure that penalises staff. In addition, this limitation reverses a part of the 2004 reform that were a compensation for other unfavorable measures. U4U asks the Commission to grant generously Senior Expert and Senior Assistant positions.
Why do you want to penalise retired staff by let paying them a special levy?
Contrary to other trade unions we never asked for it. U4U considers that pensioners should not have to pay the special levy, they have already paid it when they were active. Making pensioners pay the special levy is double taxation. Our organization is resolutely against it.
What do you want to do with our pension scheme?
Studies by Eurostat and the Commission show that our regime is in perfect balance. U4U wants the provisions of the Staff Regulations to continue to be applied.
It can be noted that the increase in the pensionable age in 2004 and 2014 was a political and symbolic measure imposed by the Member States, while the scheme was balanced. U4U asks the Commission to stop reforming pensions and, above all, not to raise the legal retirement age. Our organization has an average age of 48 years that is constantly increasing. The legal pension age, 66 years old, is high. No need to increase it again.