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Catalogue training for competitions

With our partner INSP (ex-ENA), we have co-organised the following online training courses

On-line Training in English – November 23 (full day) & 24 (morning) : CAST Tests or Transport competition

OBJECTIVESOn-line training in ENGLISH to help you prepare for MCQ reasoning tests (abstract, numerical, and verbal). This MCQ is common to all EPSO exams. 
This course focuses on numerical reasoning tests and offers a reinforced training for that specific exercise, but the course covers the other reasonings tests, nonetheless. Indeed, it is known that the numerical reasoning is a part that causes great difficulties to candidates. 
FOR WHOMCAST candidates and/or next Transport competition candidates.

The courses are exclusively reserved for U4U members.
Should you need to join, please register here
AVAILABILITYGiven the limited number of places available, registration is done on the basis of first come-first served basis. Priority is given to complete applications. See program
HOW DO I REGISTERSend an email to with the proof of payment attached and indicating the email you will use to connect to the training.
PAYMENT180 euros to be paid to
IBAN: BE39 0016 3506 3019
REF: Training 23th of November + Your name + your institution
CONFIRMATIONInvitation will be sent directly by INSP to confirmed participants with the information to connect 48 hours before the beginning of the training. Please check your spam folder.
LOOK FOR MORE INFOHave a look on our FAQs:
Frequently asked questions on training – Union for Unity (

On-line Training – November 16 (full day) & 17th (morning) : CAST Tests or Transport competition

OBJECTIVESThe on-line training will focus on strategies to succeed the verbal, numerical and abstract test.
FOR WHOMCAST candidates and/or next Transport competition candidates.

The courses are exclusively reserved for U4U members.
Should you need to join, please register here
AVAILABILITY20 Places available. Given the limited number of places available, registration is done on the basis of first come-first served basis. Priority is given to complete applications. See program
HOW DO I REGISTERSend an email to both functional mailboxes
with the proof of payment attached and indicating the email you will use to connect to the training.
PAYMENT180 euros to be paid to
IBAN: BE39 0016 3506 3019
REF: Your name+ Training 16Nov
CONFIRMATIONOn-line. Invitation will be sent directly by INSP to confirmed participants, the day before the training at the latest. Please check your spam folder.
LOOK FOR MORE INFOHave a look on our FAQs:
Frequently asked questions on training – Union for Unity (

Preparation for MCQ reasoning tests (abstract, numerical and verbal)

18th and 19th of July

25th and 26th of July

2nd and 3rd of August

Preparation to the Oral tests (Internal competition AD6)

12th of September

A mock exam for reasoning tests

07th , 13th and 14th of September