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How could post-colonialism and euro-centrism undermine the response to the planetary emergency

octobre 13, 2023 @ 14h00 - 16h00

The next DG RTD/EU Staff for Climate Knowledge for Sustainability Talk on « How could post-colonialism and euro-centrism undermine the response to the planetary emergency » takes places on Friday 13 October 14-16h CET (Online via Webex).

If you find it interesting please click below link and register through EU Learn

External guests can register directly through the Webex link

The Knowledge for Sustainability talks invite colleagues from EU Institutions, bodies and agencies to take a broader, long-term perspective, beyond the immediate policy-making calendar. They aim to offer disruptive and uncomfortable wisdom to make EU narratives and policies more robust.

In this Knowledge for Sustainability talk organised by DG RTD and EUStaff4Climate, with the help of Active Seniors in the research area, Louis Ninsiima, a climate and human rights activist from the Rise up movement, created by Vanessa Nakate, will set the scene giving an African perspective on the climate crisis and the planetary emergency. Farhana Sultana will provide a systemic perspective on decolonizing climate coloniality. This will be followed by a video contribution by Jason Hickel. Andrew Fanning will share key insights on the economic dimension of colonialism and present compensation models for atmospheric appropriation. This topic is relevant and timely to several ongoing multi-lateral discussions on debt relief, loss and damages, the revision of the global financial framework, or the wider conversation about climate justice.

The South is at the forefront of suffering the consequences of climate change and environmental destruction while only having a very limited historic contribution to its causes and continuing to contribute very little to the unfolding disaster today. The EU often presents itself as a global sustainability leader. Some uncomfortable issues not sufficiently on Northern radar screens may deserve a conversation as they could be undermining the global response to the planetary emergency. 0ur economic practices, our climate policies, and – more widely – our framings and narratives are impacted by multiple colonialities. Do our Euro-centric perspectives prevent us from seeing a bigger picture of the planetary emergency?

Minority and majority world are two new concepts increasingly used. The minority world stands for the smaller and wealthy part of humanity, in what has been called the developed world, the majority world stands for the biggest part of humanity around the globe, previously often called the ‘Third’ World. There are pockets of the minority world in the Global South, and pockets of the majority world in the Global North. Decolonization is important to avoid that perspectives, worldviews, research agendas of the minority world are imposed on the majority world, and to avoid that the green transition of the minority world comes at the expense of and with “neo-colonial plunder” (Hickel) of the majority world.

The enclosed concept note for the course includes useful background reading to prepare for the course.

Draft agenda


  • Thomas ARNOLD, Active Senior Green Transition; EUStaff4Climate (confirmed)

Setting the scene:



Q&A, Participants sharing their feelings, participatory discussion

  • Moderation: Obhi CHATTERJEE, DG HR (confirmed), Anna SMEDEBY, EPSO; EUStaff4Climate (confirmed), Alexandre VACHER, REA; EUStaff4Climate (confirmed),


  • Laurent BONTOUX, Senior Foresight Expert, JRC (confirmed)

Technical lead:

  • Jerome SPAANS, DG RTD (confirmed)


Date :
octobre 13, 2023
Heure :
14h00 - 16h00