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STC, the European Parliament Stagiaires' Association

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Info : The Junior/Young Professionals Program

The Schuman Trainees Association

It is a reality that many young people in Europe, including those currently doing traineeships at the European Parliament, are trapped in a cycle of unemployment and short-term contracts. Even worse, many MEPs in this very institution do not pay their stagiaires at all, which has major negative effects on social mobility and justice.

STC has traditionally only concerned itself with Schuman trainees on paid 5-month placements in the EP Secretariat. However, we are attempting to reach out also to stagiaires working for Political Groups and MEPs. This has shown that there is a great deal of discrimination between different categories of stagiaire. STC does not currently have a political stance on this issue, and does not lobby the EP on behalf of Political Group stagiaires. However, we are moving towards doing so, and it will be a long and complex process - made all the more difficult by the fact that we have total changeover of membership every 6 months!

Recent groups of stagiaires have attempted to get greater acknowledgement from the EP through "internalisation" within DG PERS. However, this is having little success, and we are beginning to think it might be better to move to a more "syndicaliste" Modus Operandi, perhaps even in cooperation with other stagiaires in other institutions.

Did you know ?

Joining U4U is for free for Schuman Trainees.

Go to our membership form, tick the box 'Schuman Trainee' and that's it ! As a member, you will benefit from all our services !


See also:

One Million People Against Unpaid Internships in Europe



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