Retired Staff

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Retired Staff

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You are retired ? You want to contribute to the activities of this trade-union ? You are most than welcome ! You can help in a lot of different ways, according to your availability and your centres of interest. Please contact us, we will gladly meet you. Even if you are no longer in Brussels, you might help...

You can also support us by your membership fee.

If you simply want to be kept informed, you can join our distribution lists for free :

You are a former employee of the institutions (retired or your contract finished) ? However, you want to keep in touch ? Please register into the list which corresponds to your former employment. Or if you want to receive less e-mails (only our newsletters) register into this one : u4u-news-elder


Activités extérieures permises pendant et après le service actif (article dans notre revue The Link)

Support Social – Relations avec les pensionnés : UN SERVICE POUR INFORMER ET AIDER LES PENSIONNES

Conférence Support social, faire face à la perte d'autonomie et à la vulnérabilité (Juin 2022)

No tax without representation ?

It is really not logical that the +/- 20 000 retired staff are not represented in the social dialogue relating to the reform of the Staff Regulations. There are some precise threats to the pensions, such as the imposition of a so-called "solidarity levy" on pensions, which would amount to double taxation.

One of the Association of retired staff, the AIACE, is admitted to some meetings but only with an observer status. U4U asks for a proper representation of retired staff but in the meantime, we are committed to convey the opinion of staff on pension and to safeguard their interests.

If you want to help us to do so, please join U4U and contact us. Basically, U4U is a team of volunteers: do not hesitate to join !


Please refer to our page on pensions.

Assurance Hospitalisation

Hospitalization Insurance

The RCAM protects you effectively but several reimbursement ceilings or exclusions mean that you need additional insurance covering hospitalization costs, which are the biggest financial risk in the event of a serious illness.

U4U gives you access to such a mutual insurance.

This additional insurance must be subscribed BEFORE retirement.

To find out more about this...

Assurance Hospitalisation

Le RCAM vous protège efficacement mais plusieurs plafonds de remboursement ou des exclusions font que vous avez besoin d'une assurance complémentaire couvrant les frais d'hospitalisation, qui sont le plus gros risque financier en cas de maladie grave.

U4U vous donne accès à une telle mutuelle.

Attention ! Cette assurance doit être souscrite AVANT le départ à la retraite.

Pour en savoir plus...




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